Episode 4

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୧ʕ ◕ o ◕ ʔ୨ Thank you for coming today and reading my crappy ass story.Oh!btw these are the twins...You probably don't care about them but oh well, here's  a picture of how they look! I also changed the cover.Oh more thing isn't this song awesome. (人◕ω◕)

 [On to the story!]

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 [On to the story!]

"Huh? What time is it?" You told Yourself. You look at your phone. 

[8:50 pm May 7 Sunday]

"C-CRAP!" You change quickly and run out the house. You bust through the doors.

"Viktor! I'm sorry! I over slept! Are you mad?!" You asked looking at his back.

He turned around. " Good morning you finally decided to come." Said Viktor

"Only Aeroflot has kept me waiting as long as you have." Said Viktor. Your eye's widen and you rush up to him and bow on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry."  You kept apologizing.

"Oh, Japanese dogeza!" Viktor started clapping.

'Viktor will be staying in Hasetsu to be my coach, But it feels like having a god around more than a coach.' You thought.

"Resting is a part of work to don't worry." Smiled Viktor.

'And to think a coach like that will be with me everyday.' You thought.

'But he says I can pay the fee's later...wonder how much it'll end up being...hehe.'You thought as you were staking. You tried to do the jump but you missed and fell to the side.

"(Y/N),You tend to miss your  jumps when your thinking about something." Said Viktor.


[Hot springs]

"(Y/N), maybe we should nix having three quads in your free program." Said Viktor stretching.

"But-"You turn around Vicktor naked only and statue covering his "thing".you quickly turn around.

"I-if I'm going to win the Grand Prix Final, I need those." You said turned around.

"Why? Just get a perfect score on the program components." Said Viktor.

"It's not as easy as it sounds." You sighed.

"Sure it is! Just practice and you'll be fine." Smiled Viktor.

"Whatever." You sighed.

"(Y/N) do you know why decided to be your coach?" Asked Viktor.

"So you could still be famous?" You said.

"No, because the way your  body makes music on it's own it's amazing." You look up and see Viktor. He pulled you out of the water. The steam in the hot springs covers his 'thing' so you couldn't see it. Thank god because you didn't want to see it...not yet at least. Viktor went on.

Viktor Nikiforov x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now