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(They're all 21 btw)


It's been five months since VidCon and not much is going on.

First of all, Farkle is coming to New York to visit and he's bringing Lucas with him for the holidays.

Riley begged me to let her house Farkle, so that meant Lucas was rooming with me.

Secondly, my twitter and Instagram keep blowing up. Everyone comments or tweets me about doing song covers on my channel.

I really didn't want my singing out there on the internet for the world to see, but Farkle uploaded my Dangerous Woman performance and since then it's been a hit.

Lastly, Lucas and I have talked so much since VidCon.

We face time and text everyday. He really makes me laugh and he's so talented. He's really easy to talk to and we understand each other so well.

And before you ask, no we're are not dating.

We're just Huckleberry and Blonde Beauty, at least that's what he called me.


Riley and I were sitting on the couch in her apartment's living room watching Clueless on Netflix.

Then they walk through the door with their suitcases.

"I thought we would barge in on something funny, but you two are just boring!" One of them says.

"FARKLE!!!" Riley and I yell.

Riley runs over to Farkle and tackles him hard.

Lucas hugs me from behind the couch.

"Hey there blonde beauty," Lucas whispers into my ear.

"Huckleberry" I bite my lip to hide my smile.

I turn my head to face him, and he was smirking. His eyes and lips were only inches from mine.

He looked perfect. Absolutely hot.

Maya, what the hell are you thinking?!

"Let's go Buck Mc Boing Boing. I should show you where you're sleeping for the next month!"

Lucas follows me out. I literally live a floor above Riley.

We get to my place and I show him the guest room.

As he places down his stuff he says, "I was thinking, since we're real good friends now, we could film a collab with each other?"

"That's an awesome idea! One vid for your channel and another for mine!" I smile.

"They could both be Christmas themed, but what video do you have in mind?" He asks.

"Maybe a skit about the Do's and Don'ts of Christmas?"

"Sounds good. But for mine, I was hoping that maybe..." His eyes wander to the floor.

I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"No!" I say.

"But-" Lucas tries.



"UH UH!"



He grabs my shoulders and shakes me.

"Maya! Just one Christmas song duet!"

"Let me think about it..."



"Please please please please please please please-" he begs.

Ugh, he's annoying but cute at the same time.

"Fine, just SHUT UP!"

"Yay!" He cheers picking me up in a hug.

When he sets me back down on the floor, are eyes lock on each other.

We're just standing there in the middle of the guest room, wrapped in a close hug, staring into each other's eyes. We just can't seem to look away.

"Um... we... I uh, let's pick a song," Lucas fumbles over his words.

"Yeah we uh... should."

He releases from the hug, but we're still looking into each other's souls

"Eh hem!" Someone coughs from the doorway.

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