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Today was New Year's Eve. Lucas, Riley, Farkle, and I were all planning on watching the New Year's Ball drop from our rooftop. You could see it from our apartment complex, it's pretty cool.

Riley and I were currently watching TV on her couch.

"So... who are you gonna kiss at midnight?" Riley says.

"Does it look like I'm gonna kiss anyone tonight?" My voice dripping with annoyance.

"I know you wanna kiss Lucas," she teases.

"And you wanna kiss Farkle!" I laugh.

Riley starts to blush like a crazy, "N-No!"

"Oh my god! You have a crush on Farkle!" I point at her.

She covers her face with her hands, "Stoooop!"

Clearly, she was embarrassed.

"That's why you wanted Farkle to stay with you while he's visiting! You like him!"

"No I don't!" Riley protests.

"You're right..." I sigh, "YOU LOVE HIM!"

"Sssssh! Maya! He's in the other room with Lucas!" She begs.

"You've loved him since we were kids!" I accuse.

"Will you shut up?!" She pleads. "What about you and Lucas huh? What's going on there?!"

"Nothing because there is no me and Lucas! I like him and it stops at that," My smile slowly fades.

"Oh please, you like him and you want him to kiss you at midnight! Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong," Riley crosses her arms.


"Oh please, you like him and you want him to kiss you at midnight! Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong," I hear Riley say as I walk into the hall to go to the kitchen.

I stop dead in my tracks, waiting for a response. The only other person in the room was Maya.

"Maybe a little part of me wants something more with Lucas, just maybe. But it's not something that's gonna happen..." Maya responds.

"Can you drop the whole 'hope is for suckers' crap and just hope that it happens?" Riley argues.

I decide to go into the kitchen before they realize I'm eavesdropping.

"Hope what happens?" I ask, opening the fridge on the hunt for water bottles.

"Nothing! Hope for nothing!" Maya nervously replies.

I grab the two waters and head back to Farkle, "Girls, they're so weird."

"I know right!" Farkle says. "Anyways, I'm planning on asking Riley out on a date at midnight, what do you think?"

"Go for it! I'm sure she likes you already!" I tell him.

"What about you and Maya? You see, it would be less awkward if it was a double date..."

"There is no me and Maya."

"When are you planning on making a move?"

I thought about it for a second.

"I kind of overheard them talking in the living room, turns out, Maya likes me back," I smile.

"This is great! Make your move at midnight and I'll make mine!"



There's only thirty seconds until midnight and Lucas and I are looking at the New Year's Eve ball from the rooftop, side by side.

Riley and Farkle were a little further down, still watching the crowd of New Yorkers beneath us.

"Hey Maya?" Lucas says.

"Sun dance?"

"I'm really happy that you're standing next to me tonight."

I blush as he grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers.

"What are you doing?" I ask, smiling like a goof.

"I know we only met in the summer, but ever since then I've realized something. I really like you Maya and it's clear to me now that you're the most beautiful, amazing, talented, and charming girl I've ever met."

I stand there frozen, really unsure of what to say.

You could hear the crowd of people start to chant below, "10, 9, 8..."

"The last few months getting to know you have been probably the best months of my life. You're a great guy and I'm so glad that we met, because without you I wouldn't embrace singing and dancing like I do now. I really like you too."

"3, 2, 1!"

Lucas places his hands on my face and pulls me in close. I close the gap between us by connecting our lips together.




"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The people below yell.

Lucas and I pull away and just lean our foreheads against each other, his hands still caressing my cheeks.

I heard Riley's camera go off as she snaps this moment of us.

"Would you like to go on a double date with me? As well as Riley and Farkle?" Lucas asks.

"Of course Huckleberry," I say.

He leans in for another kiss, and of course, I can't resist.

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