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Maya and I filmed our music video all day. We got to play around in the snow in the park, we also filmed some in her apartment. Riley, Farkle, Maya and I all took turns as camera man.

Riley and Farkle told us they had a blast.

At the end of the day, we got a lot of good shots of us on the rooftop, with sun setting perfectly in the background.

The final scene of the video was Maya and I hugging on the rooftop, looking out towards the city lights, our backs facing the camera.

Since it was my video, I was in charge of editing.

I was in the middle of editing, in my own little world since my headphones were on.

I look up for a second and I notice the petite blonde in the doorway, holding her vlog camera.

"And here we have Lucas Cowboy Friar trapped in the world of editing, completely secluded from reality!" She teases.

I remove my headphones and roll my eyes, "Ha Ha you're so funny!"

"I know, you can't get enough of me!" She sticks her tongue out.

"Come here!"

I get up from my bed to chase her out the room. She runs all the way to the living room, but she's so slow. I tackle her over the couch, and I land on top of her.

Maya sticks her camera out and points it at both of us.

She's laughing uncontrollably, "Lucas... get... off!"

I start tickling her and she laughs even harder.

"Will you not bother me so I can finish editing?" I reason.

"Fine! Fine! Just... stop..." she manages through her laughter.

I get off her and help her off the couch.

"Now I know to never do that again!" She smiles at the camera.

She turns it off and faces me.

"You've been editing all night and I'm booorredd!" Maya exaggerates.

"I gotta edit this video so I can upload it Monday," I say walking back towards my room.

"How about you take a break and watch a movie with me?" She makes her puppy dog eyes that I can't say no to.

"Fine. What do you wanna watch blondie?"

"MOANA!" She yells.

"Sure, I love that movie!" I smile.

We plop back onto the couch next to each other and she plays the movie.

When the song How Far I'll Go came up, Maya started to sing along.

When she wasn't looking, I recorded her on my phone.

"See the line where the sky meets the sea it calls me, and no one knows, how far it goes.
If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me, one day I'll know, how far I'll go," She sang beautifully.

It wasn't until the song ended she noticed I was recording her.

I posted the video on twitter captioning it '#movienights with blondie ✨ @ RebelHart' .

"I'll get you back for this," she laughed.

We continued on with the movie, but soon it got really late.

Maya ended up falling asleep towards the end of the movie. She rested her head peacefully on my shoulder and I smiled. How can someone look so cute while sleeping?

I got a little tired myself as I let out a quiet yawn.



I wake up to sunlight shining right on my face. I fully open my eyes and notice I'm on my living room couch, with two large arms wrapped around me.

I look up to see an adorable sleeping Huckleberry, who was resting his head on mine.

My sudden movement caused him to stir.

He slowly opened his eyes and smiled. His smile made me blush.

"Good morning Ranger Rick."

"Will you ever give up on the names?"


We both laugh as I stand up to stretch.

I check my phone that was sitting on the coffee table.

I scroll through my many notifications. Then I remember what he did.

' @ RebelHart you sing soooo good! '

'@ RebelHart this is amazeballs <3 '

' @ RebelHart @ LucasFriar they're having a movie night or movie date?? ;) '

Then one of the tweets catches my eye:

' @ RebelHart @ LucasFriar #LUCAYA 4EVA <3 <3 '

There were a lot more similar to the last one.

"What the hell?" I laugh.

"What?" Lucas asks, looking over my shoulder.

"A lot of people tweeted me because of that video you posted last night and most of them include #Lucaya," I say showing him my phone.

"Clearly people ship us," he laughs.

"Yeah," I say.

Me too.

"Anyway, I promised Riley I would help edit her DIY War video today, so maybe you and Farkle can hang out?" I suggest.

"Yeah, sure thing!" He says walking back to his room.

You are such a hop along.

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