Chapter 1

515 23 10

September 1957

7:21 AM 

Liverpool, England

Jackie's POV

I finger combed my messy hair and sloppily pulled a pair jeans up my legs. I buttoned up a random blouse I had found on the floor, before lazily tucking it into my pants.

"Jackie! You're going to be late!" My mother yells up the stairs. I know I shouldn't be so pissed off at her for just telling me to hurry up, but it's early and I am well aware of the time.

"I know mom!" I harshly bark back. I do feel a bit guilty for yelling at her, but she'll get over it.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I sprint down the stairs. I scramble to find my ratty old sneakers and quickly lace them and casually walk into the kitchen.

"Good Morning." My mom smiles at me, a cup of tea in her hands. She sets the cup down and wipes her hands on the apron that she was wearing.

I grumble a 'good morning' back as I stuff the brown paper bag that held my lunch, into my backpack.  

I quickly gulp down a glass of orange juice and stuff a piece of buttered toast into my back pocket. My mom wrinkles her nose at this, but doesn't comment on it.

"So... late on the first day?" She remarks, sipping her tea.

I send her a glare, but I can't help but smile at the mock-glare she was sending back at me.

"Bye mom" I murmur before kissing her cheek. She hummed a goodbye as I ran out the door.

I only lived about 15 minutes away, but I felt obliged to do some awkward jog walk thing to school. I wasn't exactly late, I just wasn't "on time".

I groaned as I walked aimlessly through the halls. If I remember correctly, my homeroom was in room 207, on the first floor.

I knew that the bell would ring soon enough so I began speed walking through the hallways. I saw a hallway map taped to the wall so I stopped to briefly glance over it. Acording to this map I only have to walk to the end of this hallway and take a turn to another hallway and I'll be there. I grinned and continued walking down the hallway, knowing where I was going for the first time today.

I glanced at my watch, noticing that the bell would be ringing in only four minutes. I could see the end of this hallway was nearing and I quickly turned the corner onto the next hall. Only someone else was turning the corner too and I crashed into them.

"Watch where you're going!" I spat at the guy. I'd be lying if I told you he looked ugly, with his hair  gelled into a quiff, and a leather jacket on. He had big doe eyes which didn't suit his "bad boy look" and he also had uncharacterizing larg-ish cheeks.

I glanced at him, waiting for him to apologize. Only he didn't, instead he smirked at me. I sent him an 'are-you-kidding-me?' glance, trying to give him a hint. I didn't care how good he looked, he was being rude.

"Sorry, love, won't happen again." He shrugged, after a long pause.

"It better not." I said sourly. I realized that this wasn't the way to make a good impression in a new school, but this guy was getting on my nerves.

"Okay, okay, chill." He said, the smirk never leaving his lips.

I grunted at him and turned on my heel to get to my class before the bell rang.

"Wait!" I heard the boy call for me. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.

"What now?" I asked bitterly, trying to pull my arm out of his grip. He only tightened his hold though.

"What's you're name?" He asked, curiously. 

"Jackie... now leave me alone." I said, wanting to get away from this guy. "Please." I said after a moment, hoping he would listen.

"I haven't seen you around before... you new?" He asked calmly, completly ignoring my request. 

"What does it matter to you? I'm going to be late for class!" I whined.

He opened his mouth to speak again, but was interupted by the bell.

"Great, thanks a lot!" I spat at him sarcastically.

He smirked once more, and shrugged his shoulders again, finally releasing my wrist.

"Well, as much as I've enjoyed your company, I must get going..." I said sarcastically, trailing off for him to tell me his name.

"Paul... Paul McCartney." He gave a cheeky wink and then turned to walk away.

I rolled my eyes and turned to walk to my class. 

So this it... my new fanfic!!! I hope you guys liked it so far... it will get better! I'm sorry it took so long to finally get this up but I was having writers block!!! Thanks for reading though! :)

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