Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to All of my wonderful fans!

Beatrice and I walked quietly down the street. "So... where is this cavern place?" I asked in hopes of starting conversation. I couldn't stand the silence.

"Downtown" Bea smiled. "Some band called 'the Quarrymen' are performing tonight I think." She continued. 

"Cool. They do any Elvis?" I asked, hoping that they did.

"I think so, I hear they mainly write their own songs, but they do covers of other songs too."  She replied thoughtfully. 

"Oh cool!" I replied, intrigued by their songwriting capability. "Do you know who the band members are?" I asked, hoping to meet them at one point.

"I think one of them is in my writing class, but I forget his name..." She replied, trailing off as she tried to recall the name.

"Oh cool! So they're our age?" I asked, trying to end the silence as she was starting to go deep in thought over some guy's name.

"Yeah! There are six of 'em. I think two are in my grade,  one is in the grade below me, two are in your grade, and one is the grade below you. They all go to our school though!" Bea said happily, ignoring the fact she had forgotten the name. I didn't care much for their names anyways. I'll find out later.

"Cool!" I replied. I probably didn't know any of them, but it would be cool if they were in my classes.

"We're almost there, I think." She said as we turned onto a busier looking street. There were all sorts of shops lined along the side of the street all with bright, flashing signs indicating their names. I saw Cara ahead, standing with a group consisting of three other girls, all of them were in dresses similar to Bea's.  

Bea noticed them seconds later and trotted toward them, smiling brightly. I awkwardly followed her, not sure how to aproach them, they were strangers besides Cara. I stood behind them as they quickly formed a circle, complimenting eachother and I assume, gossiping. 

It was like this for about 5 minutes, and I was slowly regretting accepting the invitation. Cara noticed my presence behind her and thankfully, walked away from the social circle to greet me.

"Hi Jackie!" She said, smiling enthusiastically. 

"Hi Cara." I said calmly as she leaned in for an awkward hug. 

"How have you been?" She asked, the smile never leaving her face. 

"Alright, you?" I said, looking around, before making eye contact with her. 

"I've been well, thanks. So, you go to Quarrybank too?" She asked, quickly changing topics. That's Cara for you, she never lingers on a topic for too long. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up with her conversation, but I think I've gotten used to it by now. 

"Yeah, I'm a softmore." I replied.

"Oh cool!" She smiled. "Which teachers do you have?" 

"I' don't exactly remember their names..." I admitted, staring at my feet. 

"That's alright." Cara said, her smile fading. I could sense her losing interest in the conversation. 

"Well, it was nice to see you again!" She said after a moment of awkward silence. I nodded and she walked back, easily re-entering the circle. 

I listened to their conversation for a while, but I soon grew bored and I just leaned on the cool brick of the building behind me. The circle dispersed after another 15 minutes and I followed them down a set of stairs into 'the Cavern'.

The lights were kind of dim and there was lots of smoke as we entered. It smelled significantly of alcohol, causing my nose to wrinkle.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the lighting and I glanced around the room. There was a bar to my right with a couple of tables and a large area filled with dancing bodies. In the back, there was a small stage where a band was playing. I easily recognized the song they were playing, it was 'Rock Aroud the Clock' by Bill Haley and the Commets. I let a smile encase my lips as I tapped my foot a long to the beat. 

I watched the band continue playing, mezmerized by the cool looking guitars and handsome looks of the band-members. This wasn't the band that Bea's friends had come here for though. The band they wanted to see were the Quarrymen. This was 'Rory Storm and the Hurricanes' as the bass drum indicated in the back. 

I snapped out of my trance, only to realize that my sister and her friends had already ditched me, probably somewhere in the crowd of dancing people by now. I shrugged and made my way through the sweaty dancers to get a better view of the band. I was shoved here and there before I finally reached the front of the crowd. 

I think they were playing a Chuck Berry song now. I nodded my head along to the rythm, singing along to the parts I knew. 

To my disapointment, the song ended all too soon. 

"Alright, for our last number, we'd like to play one of our favorites, Summertime Blues by Eddie Cochran!" The bass guitarist yelled into the microphone.

The crowd errupted into cheers. I guess this was a crowd favorite or something.

I walked over to the edge of the crowd and stood to the side, tired of being shoved around so much. 

I glanced at the crowd, smiling at the dancing couples. They twisted and twirled a long to the song some of them not even in tempo with the song. Nobody seemed to care that they weren't in beat though. 

I slightly jumped as someone suddenly tightly gripped my arm -not to the point of pain though- and dragged my along the wall, away from the stage. We passed the dancers in a blur and I grew worried as I didn't know who was dragging me. I tried to pull my wrist out of their grip, only with no luck. 

I was pulled away from the crowd and into a small room, the door closing behind me with a click. I tried to scream, except my captor shoved their large hand over my mouth. 

I wriggled, trying furiously to get out of their grip. Who knows what kind of people hang out around here? I could be killed, or raped or... I went into full on panic mode with these thoughts and continued my attempt to escape.

I heard the person laugh and that's when realization dawned on me. I elbowed him in the stomach and took his moment of weakness to my benefit and walked out of his grip. 

"Paul, what the hell do you think you're doing!??!?!"

Sorry it took sooo long to update!!!! It's break and I wasn't exactly paying attention to the time... anyways... I hope you guys liked it! :)

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