Chapter 5

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"Come on, we both know how happy you are to see me." He said, leaning against the wall with an unlit cigaret in his hand.

"Actually, I'm not." I said as i reached for the door knob.

"You're just in denial, Jackie." He said with that damn smirk coming into view.

"You wish." I replied coldly as I tried to turn the door knob. I jiggled it a few times, but it simply wouldn't budge. I turned around to glare at a proud looking Paul.

"It's locked." He said with a smile. I took no hesitation to shove him by his shoulders.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" I asked, angrily.

"I didn't do it! They lock it since some people try to sneak in through the back when the lines get too long in the front." He defended, finally lighting his cigaret.

"So, then how will we get out?" I asked, cringing with the word 'we'.

He smiled as he jingled some keys in my face. I reached out to grab them, but he quickly pulled them back.

"Give them to me Paul." I said in the most threatening voice I could muster.

"Why don't you want to be locked in a room with me? Most girls would kill to be in your position." He said, cockily.

"Dick." I replied harshly as I reached out for the keys.

"Listen Jackie, you're going to fall in love with me one way or another so you might as well stop being so stuborn." He said, ignoring my rude remark.

"Actually, I will not. I don't go for self-centered bastards." I said confidently. "Now give me the keys, and let me go." I finished, trying to sound as stern as possible.

I extended my arm once more, gesturing for him to hand me the keys. Instead, he grabbed my hand and spun me around so my back gently hit the brick wall. He leaned in very close, supporting his weight with his arms which were placed on either side of my head. 

"Silly girl, you're all ready falling for me." He chuckled beneath his breathe. I struggled beneath him, feeling uncomfortable with his closeness. I felt my cheeks heat up under his stare.

"What?!" I asked in disbelief. 

"You're falling for me!" He exclaimed as if it were obvious. "You know, first the nervous-ness, then you'll  start having dreams about me, and get lost in my eyes. And finally -after a kiss of course- you'll be in love.  That, my dear Jackie, is how you will fall for me." He finished, finally backing away. 

I let out the breath I hadn't even realized I was holding in. I was quick to reply though, not wanting him to think that I was giving in, or worse -agreeing with him.

"Sorry Paul, but you've got it all wrong. That will never happen in a million years."

I walked toward the door once more.

"Oh, but it will Jackie. Trust me, it happens to every girl that has the pleasure of knowing me." He said smirking. 

"Pleasure?" I scoffed.

"You know it." He said with a wink. There was a silence as I tried to come up with a come back to deflate his ego in some way. I fell blank though.

Paul tossed the keys in my direction and I caught them with my hand. "Now knock yourself out trying to get away from me, but just know, that there is no escaping it." He finished, dismissing me as I slipped through the door whilst flipping him off.

I walked as far away from the room as I could without leaving the building. I found myself in a corner near the bar, sitting at one of the empty tables. I turned my attention toward the stage. I felt the atmosphere change to a more excited and anticipated air. 

The crowd of dancers were staring at the stage, waiting. I tried to catch a glimpse of the stage, but everyone else was taller than me. I wasn't exactly short, but I wasn't the tallest either. I was 5' 5" (a/n 165 cm for those of you who use the metric system :) )

I gave up and sat back down, waiting for something to happen. 

"And now lets welcome to the stage, The Quarrymen!" I heard someone announce from the stage.

I could hear someone count off before the song began. 

'Well she was just seventeen,

you know what I mean

and the way she looked

was way beyond compare

how could I dance with another


since I saw her standing there'

I tapped my foot along to the rythm, the song was quite good. I felt a small smile make its way up to my lips as the song continued along. Boy, could they write a song! 

To my disapointment, it ended all too soon. "Let's introduce the band members now!" The anouncer exclaimed joyfully. I stood up, wanting to see better, still with no luck. 

"On Drums, we have Pete Best!" Everybody in the crowd cheered as a good looking lad stood up to wave at the crowd. 

I slid through the crowd of people to get to the front this time, but I kept on getting shoved about, and finally gave up, just listening to the anouncer again.

"On lead guitar, we have George Harrison, On bass, we have Stu Stutcliff, and on rythm guitar we have the two great song writers, John Lennon and Paul McCartney!"

The people around me were cheering, but I stood there, lost in time, completely dumbfounded and feeling almost betrayed in a sense. By who, I have no clue, perhaps by myself, Paul, and Bea's friends.

The room seemed to be closing in on me and the air became thicker.

I needed fresher air. I pushed my way through the crowd once more, and stepped out of the 'Cavern'. The air was taking it's longest to get to my lungs, I swear. I paced back and forth in front of the front door, faintly hearing more music.

"It's not a bad thing that I like his music." I said outloud, trying to reassure myself. So what if he's an amazing musician, he's still a dick.

I felt better now, but still didn't want to go back inside since it was far too stuffy in there. I checked my watch and decided to go home since it was already 9:00. I didn't even bother wait for Bea since I hadn't seen her since we got here. Besides, she could've already gone home, without me.

I walked down the street and tried to retrace my way back to our house. Unfortunatly though, I forgot which street to turn onto from the main road. I gave up and turned onto a random street which was dimmly lit by the street light ahead.

I looked around for any familiar houses, but each one looked almost identical to the other. I found myself humming the song that Paul's band had played. I mentally scolded myself and continued along the street, remembering how dumb Paul was for thinking that I would fall in love with him. In his dreams.

I turned around, realizing that I was lost. I made a couple of turns in hopes of finding the main road again, but with no luck what-so-ever. I stopped in the middle of the street, debating whether or not I should ask for directions from one of the people living in the houses on this street. It had been a good half hour since I had left the Cavern.

"What're you doing in front of me house, Jackie?" I heard a voice all too familiar ask me from behind.


Sorry, it didn't end up as well as I thought it would. I hope you guys could follow along though, since it did move a bit quickly and it didn't make that much sense by the end.

Oh well...

So the next update will probably be next weekend hopefully since winter break ends tomorrow :'(


I hope you all liked it! The beginining of this chapter was important...  it revealed  the rest of the plot! :) 

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