Chapter One: The Past Meets The Future

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    Ever since I was a little girl I have had unusual things happen to me. Things that could never be explained except for the occasional mental illness diagnosis. I was four years old when I experienced my first unusual happening.
    I was in my room. Alone and in the dark. It was two o'clock in the morning. It was a hot summer night in Mirage, Kansas. My window was open and there was a slight breeze in the night. I remember my curtains fluttering by the slight wind. I was young, to young to see what I had seen.
    I turned around in my bed away from the fluttering curtains towards the door to my bedroom. There it was standing there just looking at me. All black and shadow-like. I had never seen such a thing before. I sat straight up in my bed and just stared at it.
     It was black and swirled like ink in clean water. It seemed it had no face and pallor hands. Thick white pallor hands. The hands linked together like thick white chains and a ring bigger than I had ever seen before sat on the pinky finger of this swirling black mass of a figure. The thick silver band was something I could never forget. Something I wanted to forget but could not. The ring appeared medieval with a tree pressed into the top of the thick silver that formed a mountainous square on the band.
    I sat up on my bed. Brushed my covers away from my four-year old body and scooted to the edge of my bed. I let my small legs dangle off the edge. I crooked my head to side like a confused dog and whispered "Who are you?"
    It jumped to meet face to face, inches away from my skin. I shivered and shook with fear. It cocked its head at me as I did it before.
    I sat there hands behind my back trying to stay as far away from the face as I could. Although there was no face that could be visibly seen. It was black. Black as a void.
    The black swirling figure stood back up and as if a black hole collapsed it had vanished. I sat there on my bed, stunned, shivering and breathing heavy. "Mom!" Her name had leapt out of my lungs like a frog escaping from a cage.
    I remember still sitting there frozen as before, telling my mom what had just happened. She soothed me telling me everything was okay. "It was just a figment of your imagination." She cooed at me as she stroked her hand down my arm. I nodded quickly. She had put me back to bed told me that I was fine. She closed the window and that was it. That night was my first happening. Like I said I had always been an odd child. My mother always told me that I tuned into a different wavelength than everyone. "I was special." she would claim.
    It was fall though, I wasn't stuck in my past. Or at least I tried to not let my past affect me. I didn't live in Mirage,Kansas any more. Once I turned eighteen I got the hell out that place. I decided to live in Kansas City...Missouri. I worked as a waitress at a small bar in downtown. Monroes it was called. Frank Monroe, the owner, named the place after himself.
    Frank was an older man. Grey hair with a bit of blonde still left. He had a beer belly that came with his age and he always wore plaid. He was a nice man. Fatter face with big potholes like the roads. When I was eighteen and came to Kansas City with no money and nowhere to live, Frank offered me a job and his a place to stay. When I was nineteen and had finally gotten some money to live in an apartment, I left Frank's house. Now I live in my shitty little apartment.
    Lunch time had hit and of course the crowd was usually big. Monroes was not only a bar but a dining restaurant too. People from the local offices around Monroes lived to come in. I mostly served business men at this time but today was different.
    "Hey I gave you another table by the way." Viviana uttered as she tapped me on the shoulder. I nodded, "Mmkay thanks." I ripped the receipt out of the printer walked over to the table of four business men and sat the check on the wooden table. "Here yours check, pay whenever you want." I announced sweetly. They all nodded smiled back at me. I walked over to the new table that Viviana had given me. As I walked towards the table I got ready. In just my four years of waitressing I knew how to quickly get set up for the next table. I whipped the book out wrote down the table number and looked up. I smiled but I could tell the smile slightly faded as this was not the usual customer.
    He was fat. His belly bulged out over his waistband, he wore dirty clothing. His unbrushed ratted red curls popped out from underneath his dirty hat. "How may I help you today?" I asked with a smile. He looked around nervously and scooted closer to me from the wall of the booth. "He's coming," he whimpered, still nervously looking around. "Who's coming?" I asked. "You know," his crazed blue eyes met mine. "You've seen him!" He whimpered louder. I tried to not look around to see if Frank was anywhere in sight to help me with him. I had a feeling he was talking about my happening. My one memory I wanted to forget. "Listen to me! Listen to me!" He whimpered in a crescendo tone. I sat there still bent over looking at this crazed man. "I know what you have seen." My heart started beating faster. I stood up, smiled and put my pocket book back in my pocket of my apron. "I'm sorry but I think you have me mixed up with someone." I spoke sweetly. I smiled bigger and turned around. I felt a tug on my arm and grip like no other. I whip-lashed back around the other way and met eyes with him again.
     He growled in a low voice "I know everything that you've seen Mollie, and he's coming...for you."

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