Chapter Four: Mentally Unprepared

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"Get out! Get out!" He screamed. He shoved me back with all his force. "Get out!" He pointed to the door. "Why? What's wrong?" He grabbed the collar of my coat and dragged me out of his door. "Just the fuck out!" He growled. "Traitor." He mumbled as he slammed the door on my face.
    I looked down at the crumpled piece of paper that held the sketch of ring. A ring that had ruined my life since the first time I saw it. I bit my lip and turned around. I clocked my feet all they way to the ground level of the building. "Asshole!" I screamed at the top of my lungs towards the fourth floor.
    I put my hands in the pocket of my coat and mental prepared myself to bear the cold wind. I was once again left with another mystery. One that would keep biting at my insides until I could finally figure it out.
    My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID. Viviana. Didn't she know I was off work today. I moaned, rolled my eyes and hit the answer.
    "So I got you a present." She cheered. I sighed, "Viviana right now is not a good,"
    "Just listen to me." She interrupted. "So you know those haunted houses down in Westport?" I laughed. Viviana was slightly ditzy and forgot the names of cities. "Do you mean the WestBottoms?" I asked. Viviana laughed, "Yes silly me, screwing up names!" I sighed again. This could not be good.
    "I bought us tickets to those," she paused. "I thought you would like them." I laughed again. "Viviana," I explained. "I have a lot going on right now." Flashbacks of the black figure and Sam pushing me out the door filled my brain. There was no talking after that statement just a silence that filled between us like goo in bottle. Then she broke it, "Mollie what's going on?" She asked. Viviana's southern voice soothed me.
    I could feel the knot in my throat start moving up toward the top, my eyes start to water and my ears start to burn. "Nothing." I quickly croaked out. "Awww baby," she cooed "what's going on in that pretty little blonde head of yours?" I shook my head. "Nothing," I opened up my car door and shut it. " I'll see you at Monroes okay." I hung up.
    I pounded my hands on the top of the steering wheel. Damn it, damn it, damn it! My mind filled with how much of a freak I have been since I was a young kid.
    It was sixth grade. I was seated in the middle of the classroom. I had no friends since everyone thought I was a freak. We were learning cursive and my teacher stood up at the front, writing on the whiteboard. I was not such an attentive child; I liked looking around. I felt that there were other things in the universe that was more important. The door creaked open and of course I whiplashed my head around. Anything new coming into the classroom was like a treasure to me.
    An older woman probably in her 90s walked in. I watched her walk right up to my teacher but she never stopped teaching. I raised my hand. Mrs.Windsor turned immediately around.
    "Yes Mollie?" I looked over at the older woman who sat leaning against the whiteboard she had a satisfied look on her face as she stared at Mrs.Windsor. "There's a woman waiting for you." I pointed towards the older woman. Mrs.Windsor looked over the direction that I pointed but I heard chuckles from the class. Mrs.Windsor face looked...puzzled. "Mollie," she sputtered. "What are you looking at? Nothing is there!" She explained with a nervous smile.
    I looked around me. All the kids sat trying to hid their laughs and mischievous smiles. "But she's right there!" I yelped. I looked back over at the older woman who looked at me with a pleasant but curious smile. "Nonsense." Mrs. Windsor said with a flap of her hand in the air. She then continued to write.
    The older woman came up to me and started whispering in my ear. Her voice was soft and supple. I could smell something that came off her. Faint perfume? "She told me to tell you that she is happy now!" I blurted. My teacher slowly turned around from the whiteboard. All the class looked at me.
    "She's happy," I explained. The older woman encouraged me to keep talking. "She said that she not in any pain anymore." My teacher stared at me wide eyed. Her eyes started filling with water.
    She dropped her Expo on the floor and charged over to me. She gripped me by the arm and and dragged me out of the classroom. The door slammed behind us. "Stop talking!" She yelled. "But I," I tried to explained to get myself from being lectured. "No." She said firmly as she tightly grasped my arm. "If you speak again about my mother you will be sent to the office!" She hissed. She let go of my arm and charged back into the classroom.
    Little did I know that Mrs.Windsor's mother had passed away only three days ago. Bone cancer my mom told me.
    I drove away from the WestBottoms. I went home to get my shit together...mentally. I sat on the couch and for once actually watched the news.
    "Four teenagers bodies have been found in a ditch just right outside of Kansas City," the reporter explained. A helicopter video showed the four bodies in body bags by what looked to be the Missouri River. "They believed to have been exsanguinated by needles." They then flashed the camera back to the studio. "This is also part of the body counts of the eight other victims that have happened since the end of September."
    I turned off the tv and petted Oliver. "Oh Oliver how easy it must be to be a cat." He looked up at me with a smile on his face and meowed.
    I got up out my coat back on and grabbed my purse. I got to Monroes in less than thirteen minutes which was pretty good time considering it was lunch.
    Monroes was filled to the brim with people. As always. I headed to the kitchen where I knew she would be talking with the cook. "I'm here!" I exclaimed. Viviana hugged me. I explained everything to Viviana and the cook.
    Viviana was one of the few people that knew about what I saw and didn't give me crap for it. Frank was another that didn't and the cook, Taylor, he knew there was "crazy shit out there." As he once explained it to me.
    "Here take one!" She shoved one of the tickets at me. She gave another to Taylor. "Viviana this is on Thursday," I asserted. "I have work on Thursday." Viviana grunted. "Fine," Taylor handed her back the ticket. "What not your not going?" She exclaimed. "Hell nah bitch I ain't going," Taylor chatted "You think as a homosexual I am going to go into a haunted house?" Taylor "psshed" and turned himself back around to the soup he was making. "Then you wrong." He finally ended.
    Taylor and Viviana always fought with each other...consensually. "Fine then how about on Saturday we all three go to Worlds of Fun for the haunt." I laughed and so did Taylor. "Isn't that for kids and teens." I said. "Well," Viviana noted. "They have a new part...and I've heard it's spooky." Taylor and I looked at each other.

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Here's some pictures of the WestBottoms!

 I will try to post and new chapter everyday! ;) Please Please Please Please Please with a cherry on top, tell your friends and family about this book!! PLEASE!! Here's some pictures of the WestBottoms!

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