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I often get asked

Why do you hurt yourself

I try to keep my pain masked

But I have to show my shame on my myself

I often get asked

Why aren't you eating

The only way I'll eat is if it's tasked

I rather die than eat something fattening

I often get asked

Why do you only hate

I only hate myself in last

I am ugly, worthless and hate my weight

I don't know why people ask

When they don't care to know

They see listening as a task

The answers are on my body to show

AH! It has been a horrible week. Lost a friend, broke down and am now back to zero days clean. (I was over a week clean)

"This blood evacuation, is telling me to cave in," -Pierce the veil, Stay Away from my Friends

SIDE NOTE: Yes, I feel very fat and not thin enough. I have lost 3 pounds this week though! But seriously, you guys should eat. YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL! Goodnight my darlings!


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