Chapter 21

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Hotch did go to a judge, a local one, but the story had already permeated through the SanWa judicial system so everyone knew the unsavory details and had formed their own opinions. Siding with the locals, as he was wont to do, the judge allowed Hale to bar Hotch from the room and kept the shooting under local jurisdiction until evidence proved it was federal. As everyone expected him to, Hotch appealed, went to a California state judge armed with his direct superior and won, the case was now his and he was no longer blocked from visiting Josie.

When he arrived, racing from the courthouse, he charged into the room to find Josie was bright-eyed and smiling. It had taken a few days and in that time, she had regained consciousness and been told the entire story.

"Aaron," she seemed taken aback.

Opie turned and shot him a dirty look. "Found a judge you could push?"

"Found a judge who saw that Hale was just siding with you," Hotch said calmly. "Josephine," he smiled a bit. "I'm sorry."

"I know," she sighed. "And I know you were just doing what you thought was right," Josie seemed apathetic. "It wasn't though."

"Can we talk privately?" He asked, moving closer to the foot of her bed.

Josie nodded and Opie left without a word, deciding to pop in on Gemma who was also recovering surprisingly well. "Aaron," she sighed. "You knew everything, you had updates, and you just...followed orders. I'm not okay with that."

"I couldn't put you at risk," he pleaded.

"I wasn't at risk," she said more passionately. "I WAS actively harming myself, the risk was gone and the damage was being done."

Hotch took a moment to let that sink into his brain and he knew she was right, even though he was following the rules, there was something he could have done. "You're right," he sighed. "I'm sorry, Josephine."

"I know you are," she smiled genuinely. "You're a good man, Aaron, and I know the job is your top priority but you don't even bend. That's the problem." Josephine knew the reaper was Opie's first love and most old ladies took a back seat to the club, but their women were never brushed aside or hurt for the sake of the club.

"We can work on it," he said eagerly. "Come home with me and Jack, I'll take time off, we'll figure it all out." 

Josie shook her head. "I can't do that. I'm not your wife anymore, the girl is gone. I've changed so much. I'm a completely different person."

"You're staying here? With him?" His attitude changed, put off by her decision to stay with undesirables and criminals more so than deciding to leave him. Hotch was reasonable, as much as it crushed him he understood not wanting to be with him but he couldn't grasp staying there with bikers.

"Opie aside, I love California and I love what I do," she smiled brightly. "Maybe you and Haley can work it out, I think we've all changed drastically enough that you two could get back together."

"I don't want to be with Haley," he said dejectedly. "She's Jack's mother and I'll always love her but, I want you."

Josie shook her head. "It's over, us, the case, it's all done. I think we can move on peacefully now."

Loosening his tie, his chest deflating as he exhaled a deep, dramatic breath, Hotch nodded in agreement much to her, and his own, surprise. "I have to respect that."

"Thank you," she reached out to him and he took her hand. "Be careful when you're working."

"Be careful with...everything here," he said with a hint of bitterness. "Not a very safe environment."

"Goodbye, Aaron."

"Goodbye, Josephine," he squeezed her hand.

Moments after he left, Opie reappeared looking slightly shocked. "He's gone?"

"Yeah," she laughed at his expression. "I'm sure Spence and the rest of them will stop in to say goodbye but he won't."

"You're not going back?"

"No," she giggled, pressing her palm to his face. "Your surprised face is adorable."

"You know," he chuckled, "You could have told me you made a choice."

She pouted and shook her head. "I could have but it felt wrong to tell you I was staying and picking you before telling him it was done. Does that make sense?"

"It does," he nodded. "Thank you, Jos."

"Don't thank me," she rolled her eyes. "I'm not doing you any favors, Harry. This decision was for me."

"No more Feds and no more fucking stalkers?" He asked with a new look of calm on his face. "I want my bullshit boring life back."

"You never had a boring life, but yes, it's all good now."

"Love you, babe," he kissed her hand before leaning in to kiss her properly.

Josie smiled as he kissed her lips, "Love you too."

*The End*

I don't usually end my stories with a nice little bow but I felt like Opie needed some happiness! I hope you guys enjoyed this one even though it was shorter than usual. You guys rock, I love you all! Happy holidays!

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