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This time I will disappear
No one will remember I exist or care
No one will even make sure I'm okay
It's sad that I think this is how I'm gonna live,
Alone and Isolated.

No one deserves to be let in anymore
They see your weaknesses and they use it to their advantages.
By the end of this you're once again left alone.
It's like everyone and everything  is wired to hurt you and there's nothing you can do about it.
No matter how close, how far or how fucking perfect they are they'll hurt you in the end and that's just the reality of it.
I've had to learn this the hard way,
so much hurt and pain and the basic feeling of your heart being ripped out in front of you will come as a side effect.

I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt, anyone I know or anyone I'm remotely friends with, I will no longer bother you with my presence.
Thank you.


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