A Mysterious Phone Call

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A/N: This chapter is the longest chapter I wrote in fanfiction history. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I promise you it will get better soon. Sorry for grammar mistake but I spent a while on this and I am sleepy. I had read through it a couple times to make sure there was no mistake. But I will double check again. So I apologize in advance.

Italics are Memories!!


Three years has passed since Baekhyun left poor Daehyun behind; but little did Baekhyun know Daehyun had lost majority memories of their relationship. 


Youngjae ran into the house when he saw Baekhyun leave with a suitcase in hand. He knew this would happen. Now he just needs to make sure that Daehyun was alright since the man was bleeding earlier. Youngjae was a ex member of Daehyun former gang and he knew exactly what was going on.

When he got inside, he saw that everything that was suppose to be above ground level on the ground shattered and a unconscious Daehyun lying in the middle of everything. Youngjae rushed over and felt the other's pulse. "Thank god." He said under his breath before he got up and helped Daehyun into his car. 

 He drove to the hospital in chance of helping Daehyun, luckily they made it to the hospital in time. The only problem was that Daehyun ended up with temporarily amnesia. He couldn't remember anything that happened in his life. Most importantly he forgot what his promised to Baekhyun. He remembered that Baekhyun was someone important but he had no clue how important. 

*end of flashback*

After the accident Youngjae helped Daehyun with recovering his memories and most importantly cutting ties with his gang for good. Daehyun soon remember Baekhyun as one of his love one that left him because of betrayal. But Daehyun still couldn't remember how important Baekhyun really was to him. 

It took Daehyun a while to uncover other memories that had nothing to do with Baekhyun. Soon after that he went back home and took over his father's corporation. He was forced into an engagement because his father wanted a grandson to take over when Daehyun grows old. Daehyun however didn't care because he only had one thing in mind and that was work. He didn't even bother to hang with his fiance because he always had an excuse that involved 'work'. 

"Mr. Jung, there is a call addressing for you." His assistant said through the speaker. Daehyun leaned forward and pressing a button on his control panel. "Hello, Jung Daehyun speaking. What is it that you need, that you have the urge to request me?" He asked as he continue to write away on a document. 

"Daehyun, I have your two precious beings. If you don't come back to us, you can say good bye to them. I only give you two weeks. Don't bother calling the police, or else your time will shorten. If you don't come, the bullet will go through the kid's head first. Then your beloved..Bye.." The phone went died and Daehyun dropped the phone. What was the caller talking about? Kid? Beloved? He sure never slept with his fiance. What is this about a kid? Daehyun head started to hurt and he got up, stumbling over to the couch but collapsing half way.

"Baek, I got you. I'll be right by your side." Daehyun said to his lover who was besides him as they walked into the haunted house. One of his arm's was wrapped around the older but smaller man's waist.

"I swear Dae, if you leave me and I die here I am coming back to haunt you." Baekhyun said, shivering a bit since he was indeed scared. He didn't want to be here but D.O happened to dare him to come inside. He was going to get him back some day.  Daehyun chuckles. "Like heck, I  will let you die in here." Daehyun said. "Good." Baekhyun said before pecking his lover's cheek.

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