Our New Life

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Within a year Baekhyun and Daehyun starting dating again and soon enough Daehyun proposed to Baekhyun and they got married without any complication.

Although trouble happens once again...

"Dae!!" The older latter yelled from upstairs. He was lying in bed with his hand on his stomach. He was once again with in child. He felt hungry but couldn't get up. Baekhyun rubbed his stomach and whined lowly. Damn being pregnant again.

The young latter was downstairs cooking when he heard his husband(wife) call for him. "Tae go check on your eomma." The youngster said to his son who was in middle school and working on his homework. Taehyung looks up at his appa and nods. The boy stood up and ran upstairs.

"Eomma, are you okay?" Taehyung asked, as he entered the room. Baekhyun who was struggling to get up looked over at his son. "I might be having a bit of trouble but I'm okay." He said. Taehyung rushed over to Baekhyun side and helped pull Baekhyun up.

"You are as strong as your appa." Baekhyun complimented.

Taehyung grins. "Really??" He asked, which earn him a nod. Taehyung smiles. "If I'm strong like appa than I am kind and sweet like eomma." He said. Baekhyun smiles and hugs his son. "You're the sweetest thing that happened to me Taehyung. Eomma baby boy is growing into a big boy now." Baekhyun said.

Taehyung hugs his umma back and nuzzled into Baekhyun. "I promise I will be a good hyung or oppa to my dongsaeng." The boy said.

Baekhyun smiled and kissed his son's forehead. "I know you will because your Jung Taehyung." Baekhyun said.

Taehyung chuckled. "Does Appa love you a lot?" He asked, seeing his father walk in from the corner of his eyes.

Baekhyun smiles. "He loves me than the whole world does." Baekhyun said. Taehyung smiled softly. He climbed on his parents bed. "Is that so?" Taehyung asked. Baekhyun nodded in return.

"Yeah, your appa save me from a bullet years ago when you were little. He even protect me from getting hurt. He is my hero you could say." Baekhyun said. "I couldn't ask for more, your appa was the prefect one for me." He added.

The younger latter was smiling softly as he listened to his love one blabber. "Make sure to find the one that love you the most when you grow up." Baekhyun said. "So they could make you happy, like your appa makes me." He added.

Daehyun close the gap between him and Baekhyun. He was so lucky to hear all the things Baekhyun said.

Baekhyun gasped as he felt arms snaked around his waist.

"Am I really all that Baek?" Daehyun asked.

Baekhyun hit his husband's arms gently. "Don't scare me like that." Baekhyun said. "Are you trying to scare the child out of me?" He added. Daehyun only chuckled and kissed Baekhyun cheek. "A-nae, I wasn't trying too. I'm sorry." He said and kissed his husband's cheek. Baekhyun chuckled softly and kissed the younger's lips, earning a 'eww' from their son.

Baekhyun and Daehyun pulled back. They both turned their head and looked at Taehyung. Daehyun smirks softly.

"You'll do this to your wife one day." His appa said.

Taehyung face scrunch up a bit. "Aniyo, appa." His son whined.

Taehyung father laughed as he continued to hug his husband from behind. "You guys ready to eat? I made some things for us to eat." Daehyun said as he nuzzles into Baekhyun neck. The older only smiled as he leans back. "I think we are ready." Baekhyun said as he looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled. "Yes! But I might be asking much but can you carry Eomma, appa?" He asked. Baekhyun eyes widen. "Wait wh- ah Aniyo jagiya" Baekhyun yelps as Daehyun lift him up.

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