We will stay together forever!

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You changed into your pajamas and slumped onto the couch. 'This is how it will end', you thought. You drank the hot chocolate and snuggled into your baggy blouse. Although a little empty, it felt great to be home.

Just when you were about to close your eyes for a nap, you heard the doorbell, and really loud knocking. You clicked your tongue in annoyance and walked to the door. You were about to tell the salesman off, but instead, you are a really excited Ryota-kun and Eli-chan at your door step, with their luggages.

'(F/N)chii/(F/N)chan, we are moving in with you!'

You stood at your doorstep in shock and all you could do was a mutter out a 


They laughed, pushed you in the house, and repeated,

'We are moving in with you baka!'

You just stared at them with a look of confusion and Eli-chan sighed,

'We knew you always felt alone living here, alone, so we decided to move in together so you won't be alone anymore!'

Your eyes widen in shocked and tears started welling up in your eyes. No one has ever did something like this for you before. Leaving the comfort of their own home to stay with you. Eli-chan saw the tears in your eyes and pulled you into a hug. 

'There, there.' She said while patting your head.'This is what best friends are for.'

'And boyfriends'

Ryota-kun appeared behind you and gave you and Eli-chan a bear hug.

Aftet you three let go, you heaved a sigh of relief and smiled at them.

Eli-chan looked at you in confusion, and asked why you sighed.

You laughed it off and said it was nothing.

These 2, they are really the best people ever. You can't believe they actually decided to move in together with you. That thought, brought a tear of joys into your eye.

You will never ever let them go, never.

(A/n: YAY I am done with the next chapter! I wanted to combine it into 2 chapters, but I wanted to add some cliffhanger. Now, I am really stuck on how to continue the story, but I honestly already have an ending to it. This arc, is to just another filler to buy me some time before heading to the ending. Anyways, thank you guys so much for all the support and comments, and I will see you in the next chapter!)

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