Seven - New Pack

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Kyungsoo's POV
I never realized this in my life before. But I feel like someone, no, more like two people are staring from behind me in the amazing History class. Wu Yifan and Kim Jongin. Two people who are staring at me from behind as Minho is sitting beside me, currently yawning. What is their problem? Those eyes are scary really... if they don't stop staring I'll poke their eyeballs out.

"Hey Kyungsoo, your face is scary." Minho said beside me he chuckled softly as he stares at me. I'm blushing at his, I guess he found out me being uncomfortable under Jongin and Yifan's stares. Hmph.

"I'll go to the bathroom now, you can come if you want to." Minho whispered to me before winked at me and raised his hand.

"Yes Mr. Choi?" the teacher, Mr. Lau the Chinese Language and Literature teacher asked as he tap on the whiteboard impatiently.

"I need to used the bathroom, nature calls." Minho replied and flashed his charming smile. "Alright you may go, better be fast or you will missed the lesson and have bad marks." Mr. Lau gave him permission and Minho left. The seat beside is now empty but not long after that a girl with long black hair sit down beside me, I turn my head toward the girl and see the one of the school cheerleader, Krystal Jung.

She look behind me, obviously the table occupied by Yifan and Jongin. She suddenly sigh and keep staring at behind me. "You know he is a good catch yet you still waiting for your so-called the one?" she muttered at me and then turn her head to stare at me. We stares at her for a quite long time before I break it. "It's not like he is my type, yeah he is handsome, tall and you can call him sexy but no he is waaaay too perverted and clingy." I mumbled and rolls my eyes. Krystal chuckled beside me, it's somehow annoyed me.

"Right, anyway I'm going back Amber." 

I just hummed at this and then raised my hand too at the teacher. I'm curious at what Minho will do in the toilet. "What is it now, Mr. Do? Following your mate?" Mr. Lau said, frowning at me as well. "No, I just reaaaaally need the toilet now or I'll die because of detained from going to the toilet." I said emphasizing the really and die parts. Mr. Lau sighed and with his hand he told me I can go proceed to the toilet.

I walking while also humming softly to the toilet only to meet with Minho and his pack(?) there are quite a lot of people here. Is part of a gang or something? because Minho is standing in the middle and there are, which I known, is Vixx pack, BTOB pack, Infinite pack also a pack which I don't want to get involve with, Shinee pack. The bad thing is Minho is currently standing in the middle of Shinee pack, his eyet met with mine and smile. This is not gonna be a good... let alone this is similar to nightmare..

Baekhyun's POV

So, I'm not in the same class with Luhan and Kyungie again arghhhhhh....! It's cool that there is Yixing and Jongdae here. But still it'll be way much more fun class if Chanyeol or Luhan or Kyungie is here. Come on Yixing is sleeping and Jongdae is just taking photo of the teacher and turn it into MEME and send it on the group every time! He is even laughing at the corner now even though getting hit my the teacher or the teacher throw things on him. Arghhh... I need to cool my mind and toilet is the best place to do it. Might as well putting my new eyeliner.

I raised my hand and Miss Kwon look at me with raised eyebrow. "Yes, Mr. Byun?" 

"I need to go to the toilet miss." I said with unreadable face but not to forget puppy eyes.

"Oh, okay Mr. Byun, make sure you come back early though. I don't want you to get an F on my lesson!" She said and gave me one of her warm smile. Haha! I'm leaving this hell and boring class sorry Miss Kwon you are a great and kind teacher but your subject for teaching isn't something I like.

I walked to toilet, jumping around slightly feeling happy of course, I swear I emitted some flowery aura around me hahaha! and then I saw Kyungie. Wait what?! Kyungie is here, holy crap! I screamed inside my head not to mention a HUGE and a lot of packs are rounding the bathroom. Do they even realize that the bathroom is for public use and not only for them?

I saw a random student walked to the toilet but those people just evicted him. Really?! That toilet is for public duh! I walked closer to the toilet and the pack, I believe the BTOB pack, eyeing me, are they getting paid for doing this guarding job?

"Oh hey bacon please go away the bathroom is not usable for now." I think his name is Sungjae, but wait what, bacon?! duh, let's show him who is the boss here!

"Well excuse me I need to use the bathroom if you don't go away I'll call the freaking teachers, securities or even polices. Oh, do I need to call every students in this freaking school to come out? Do I need to tell the head principal that you bullied me? Oh wait the last one sounds better." I said smirking in victory as they just cursed and one of them trailing from behind as I enter the bathroom door. Only to be met with the scene, the man who trailed behind me saying sorry to someone who I believed from the scary Shinee pack. OH MY GOD DID  I JUST SAID SHINEE PACK OH MY GOD!

I looked around nervously trying to avoid the obviously Shinee pack stare from my back and I just noticed there are other packs in here as well. Seem they also help the Shinee pack, not to mention Kyungie is sitting with one of them talking. I see Kyungie is sitting on Minho's lap talking with one of the Shinee pack. OH MY GOD KYUNGIE WHAT ARE YOU FREAKING DOING? IS YOUR BRAIN HURTING OR SOMETHING? I stared in horror at the scene unfold before me. As if on cue, Kyungie sunddely turn his head toward me.

"Oh hey Baek!" He shouted sound so happy and using this cheery tone. More importantly he waved at me happily while the others people are GLARING me! I just gulped and smiled at Kyungsoo before running out the bathroom. Not long after I left Kyungsoo walked out in confused face and I quickly give him a sign with my hand, calling him.

"Hey Kyungsoo how come you are hanging with those scary guys hm?" I started to interrogating him. "Oh well I just found out they aren't scary at all, they are fun~" he said with a smile. A freaking smiles guys. OH MY GOD.

"Aren't you going to back for class Baek?" he suddenly asked while eyeing me really closed. Oh welp.

"Ahaha... of course yeah.. class... haha.. See you Kyungie!" I shouted awkwardly and started to run away before Satansoo is unleashed. Oh my god I need to tell the other about this.

I ran away quickly and waiting till the bell ring. The others need to know this especially our new head alpha Yifan. This is a serious matter and I have a very very very bad feeling about this thing. At class I gave Jongdae a look and waking up Yixing and whispered to him.

"We need to talk later, tell the others."

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