Chapter Eighteen

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Killian's POV

That night, Emma had come back with me to my apartment. I let her take the bed, and I took the couch, after her stubborn arse put up quite a fight only to lose in the end. We didn't talk too much, both still in initial shock of seeing one another, and on top of that we both were exhausted. I woke to find her still sleeping, so I pulled myself from the couch to start making breakfast. I was just topping off her hot chocolate with cinnamon as always when her voice entered the room. "Christ Killian, I know you're good at cooking but what could possibly smell that good?" I turned around and it took everything in me to keep me from dropping the mug. She stood barefoot, wearing a shirt of mine that I haven't worn in years. Of course it was big for her, ending right before her knees. The shirt was worn out slightly, the slight outline of her breasts showing through it. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, wisps of shorter lengths tucked behind her ear. She felt her eyes on me, looking down at herself then meeting my gaze again. "Is it a problem I borrowed this shirt?" she asked. I muttered a "no" and quickly turned back around to finish up the pancakes. I heard the kitchen chair scrape on the floor, followed by her plopping down into it. I placed the hot chocolate in front of her, along with the pancakes and my coffee. I took a sip of mine and she looked at me with a smile. "What?" I asked as I raised a brow. "You remembered," she said. Seeing as though I was confused, she gestured down to her drink. "The cinnamon," she stated. "Of course I did. I remembered everything about you during those five years," I said. Seeing as that was totally creepy, I quietly drank my coffee before slipping into what I thought was casual conversation. "So I saw you met Neal again," I said, a twinge of jealousy behind my voice. She stiffened in her chair, placing her mug down as her face hardened. "Yeah. For some time," she said simply. "Did something happen?" I asked, seeing her attempt to keep guarded. She scoffed, as if what I said was offensive. "What didn't happen? We went out, it was nice at first but then he got into trouble with the law, and at the same time I was pregnant, and then he left and I had a kid and left him. So yeah. Everything that could've possibly fucked me over, happened," she snapped. I looked at her, not with pity, but with understanding. I too had gotten fucked over several times by the same woman in those years, although not in her sense. Her eyes swelled with tears, and I stood from my seat and went around to her and wrapper my arms around her, letting her cry into my shoulder. "Killian you were right when we were younger, I should've let him go," she sobbed. I shushed her gently, rubbing my hands soothingly over her back. "Swan it's ok. It was in the past, he's gone," I said quietly. She sniffed as she pulled back, offering a sad smile. I went to the fridge to grab the can of whipped cream to put more in her hot chocolate. I pressed on the nozzle, and not noticing it was nearly empty it sprayed onto my shirt and her face. "Emma I'm so sor-" I began, being interrupted by her laughter. "You totally did that on purpose," she said, pulling the can from my hand and spraying more onto my face. "Swan, you have no idea what you've just done," I said, as I grabbed back the can, grabbing her as well, holding her tightly to my chest as I sprayed the remaining amount of cream in her hair and on her face. She spun around to smack my chest, and for a minute we stood still. Lost in the quiet. Lost in the smell of sweetness. Lost in each other. Christ, she was stunning. Everything about her screamed perfection. Everything in me screamed at me to kiss her.

So I did.

I pulled away seconds after, backing up a bit and scratching behind my ear, looking out the window of my apartment embarrassed. "I am so sorry, I don't know what made me do that or where it came fr-" her lips crashed into mine, absorbing the last words that were about to fall from my lips. I was stunned, backing myself into the wall only to have her follow me, gripping the fabric of my shirt. I kissed back selfishly and eagerly, taking everything I had ever dreamed of in that one kiss. She pressed herself into me, allowing me the ability to feel every curve and muscle that was Emma Swan. That's when I flipped our position, pushing her against the wall my hands holding her hips in place and Gods I wanted to have her right there on that wall. Bodies heated, lips smacking, and tension rising; it was overwhelming. Her hand cupped the back of my neck as I pinned her in place. She pulled back first this time, leaving us both flustered and breathless. "Don't apologize, I was about to do the same thing," she said quietly. "Will you go out with me?" I blurted, decently loudly. She laughed in response, nodding her head.

A/N: This is so long oops 😂 I think there will be two or three more chapters, which I hope to be published by the new year. Thank you for the immense amount of feedback and support! This story was fun to write and I'm sure you'll love the next one ;)

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