Chapter 6

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We arrived home around 4pm as we had to stop by Charla’s house to get a few things that she would need for her meeting with grandmother. By the time we got home dad, Macaulay and grandfather were outside in the garage fixing something and mum was in the kitchen cooking dinner I assume while grandmother and Charla were getting ready for their meeting about the gala.

This left me to my own devices, so I decided that it would be a good idea, first to put away the items we bought today, and second to change into more comfy clothes like trackies and a large hoodie and a pair of volleys.

After that I thought it would be a good idea to visit locket since I haven’t seen him since we got here a week ago. I got to the stables and walked towards lockets stable, to my surprise he wasn’t in there.

“If you’re looking for your horse he is in the far north paddock” a voice said from behind me. Two guesses who that was. I turned around to see Dan mucking out a stall on the other side of the room.

“Why is he all the way out there? What if something happens to him?” I said worry etched on my face and voice.

“Relax Rea the paddock is only at the end of the stable” Dan said in rather amused way.

He’s right the cottage and gardens take up most of the land that grandmother and grandfather have so in reality the paddocks are closer than we think.

With that said I walked over to where the halters and rope are and grabbed Lockets and started to head out to where locket was in the paddock.

I soon saw Locket in the paddock enjoying the grass, Cross was the first to notice me and started to walk over to me.

Even though Cross is Macaulay’s horse I still treat him like he is my own, so I gave him a pat before continuing onto Locket who now noticed me and started to walk over to me.

“Hey boy do you want to go for a ride” I said before putting on his halter and attaching the rope before I lead him back into the stable to saddle him up.

“Hey do you want to come for a ride with me?” I asked Dan who was finishing up mucking the stalls.

“Nah not today I still have a few more jobs to do before I turn in for the night. Maybe another time promise.”

“Okay then don’t forget that dinner is at 7pm”

With that said I got on Locket and lead him out of the stable and headed in the direction of the lake on the other side of the property.


After I finished riding Locket and brushed him down and put him back in his stable, it was getting late and I knew dinner would be ready soon so I started heading in to get cleaned up.

Dinner consisted of mum’s homemade pizza in a variety of toppings like the traditional Prairie family which consisted of: chicken, pineapple, tomato, onion, spinach, cheese and lots of it, mushroom and Barbeque sauce and a few of the other kind like margarita, ham and pineapple and one with the lot.

For dinner tonight we were joined by Charla and Dan who never miss a night when mum cooks her famous pizza and the rest of the family like Grandmother and Grandfather, Macaulay and Mum and Dad.

“Christopher that is your fourth piece of pizza let everyone else catch up before you eat anymore” mum practically yelled at dad.

“Fine then Helen but you pizza is amazing” dad continued with a mouth full of pizza.

Dinner went well with everyone full by their fourth or sixth piece (dad and Macaulay who caught up to dad in a breeze).

Both Dan and Charla left not long after dessert as they both had busy days as Kieran was arriving home the day after tomorrow and Charla had to clean up her mess from work and Dan had an early morning with jobs.

So it left just Macaulay and I the only ones up as everyone else went to bed, or in grandmother’s case she had to fix up a few things to do with the gala dinner which is in a week.

“Want to watch a movie?” I asked Macaulay as we were heading towards the movie room.

“I guess so but I get to pick the movie”

“No way, you picked the last one” I argued back.

“Well then we are not watching a movie then” Macaulay said smugly.

“Whatever I’m going to bed anyway and text Sienna and Kylie and hmm..........maybe.........Josh” I simply stated.

Macaulay hates it when I text Josh because he thinks that I’m taking his best friend away from him.

“FINE you get to pick the movie, anything to stop you from texting MY friends” Macaulay said annoyed.

It’s funny it doesn’t stop him texting my best friend Sienna all the time.

I know Macaulay likes Sienna it’s pretty obvious every time the girls are over Macaulay has to be home sometimes with the guys, other times he is on his own. The funny thing is Sienna is oblivious to it all she thinks the texts are just friendly and a way to get close to her older brother Angus who is friends with Logan.

“Well I guess we can watch Grown Ups 1 and 2 if you want” I bargained with him.

“Yep let’s do that I’ll get the popcorn you get the chocolate” he said before leaving the room to get popcorn.

It didn’t take us long before we ended up falling asleep in the movie I guess all the shopping and whatever Macaulay was doing today took the rest of the energy out of us.





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