Chapter 5

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The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face. I hurried down stair to seek my parent's decision about me enrolling into the academy and joining the rodeo team. Once I made it down stairs I noticed that my dad was home. I walk up to the counter. "Hey." I say leaning against the counter, "you weren't supposed to be here till next week." Mom and dad look at each other. When they always do that something is up. Butterflies begin to fill my stomach. What the hell are they going to say? Am I going or am I not? Just tell me! Then dad smiles and laughs, "We have decided to let you go enroll into the academy." The butterflies fly out of my stomach and are replaced with joy. "YES!" I jump up and down, "I'm going to be a student at Foxewood Academy!" Mom lets out a giggle. I run up to them both and I give them a big tight hug. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I run up stairs. But before I could get up the stair mom stops me. "Also you were given a scholarship." She smiles. I continue up the stairs and when I walk into my room I shut the door and fall onto my bed and I scream in to my pillow with excitement. Ding! I look over at my phone picking it up. I look at the sender but it says anonymous. Who the hell could this be?

Anonymous: I know what you did to Gabby; I won't tell if you do what I say. ~A

My stomach drops. How does this person know what I did? After I read the message I quickly delete it. Who could this be? Could it be Gabby? No it cannot be her? It couldn't be, but she was very upset when we had our fight. But it still can't be her, the text did not sound first person. Ding! I get another text, which startles me. It is that person again.

Anonymous: P.S. a certain birdie told me that a certain someone's mother has been doing some very bad things. I think there is a commandment for it; Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife? If you don't do what I say from now on I will expose you and your mother's dirty little secrets. XOXO ~A

What the hell? Who is this A person? What makes them think that they can threaten me? What have I done to this person? Who even is this person threatening me? Who could it be? I walkover to the window the first person that pops into my mind is, Gabby. She could totally be a suspect for this. I mean she was furious about how I was picked and not her. This could be her trying to get revenge on me. But it can't be her, I know Gabby she wouldn't do this, would she?

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