Chapter Three

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Chapter Three*

"Who answered the phone?" I walked over to Graham and snatched the phone from his hand.

"We need to leave, now." Graham took his phone back and threw it hard on the ground. It shattered into tiny, little, metal pieces.

"Why the hell did you do that?"

Graham rolled his eyes. "They can track this phone now that they have my number. They will probably come looking for us. That is why we need to leave."

He quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me through the corridors until we came to our room. He rummaged through his bag for the key to the room. He unlocks the door, enters it and searches the room looking for the keys to the Impala. I first spot them on the bed-side table. I lunge for them and victoriously grab them before I hit the floor with a loud thud, stuffing them in my pocket.

"What--" Graham glances down to the large lump in my pocket. "Give me the keys."

I stand up and back up until my thighs hit the table. "Not until you tell me where my brother is and what is happening to him."

"I don't think that's a really good idea, you might run back there and get yourself caught. That's not what I was sent here to do."

"I don't give a shit. Back there somewhere, my brother is either hiding or being held against his will because of me. I am not going to hold that burden." Graham starts walking slowly towards me.

We were inches away. I could see the hollow of his cheek bones and the sharpness of his eyes on me.

"I know that you think this is your fault. I promise that it's not." He slowly and gently grabbed my shoulders and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I feel the same way you do. But do you think Dean would be happy about that.? The whole reason he sent me was to help you get away. It would be just a waste to go back and throw your life away."

He was breathing hard and me the same. Being this close to him made me stir inside. For the longest moment, I actually thought I could love this boy. That I could live happily with him. That thought made me think of him. The knife sticking out of his chest around a bloody bruise. His beautiful, pale face limp.

"I won't, I promise." I trudge past him, throwing him the keys, and gather the rest of my stuff. That consists of my backpack, an extra pair of clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, a hairbrush, and a water bottle.

"Here," there was a soft tap on my shoulder and when I turn around, he held the keys of his car out in front of me, "you can go and turn it on. You can also drive if you want to."

Ever since I saw his car, I've wanted to drive it. "Uh, yeah sure. Thank you."

"Your welcome." He turned back around and ignored me as I exited he room.

The motel was pretty busy when I walked into the lobby. There was a line at the front desk and the nice lady who checked us in was busy talking to a couple. There was a dark shadow at the feet of the woman's leg, I felt stupid realizing it was a little girl clinging to her mother. She looked around the room and her eyes fell onto me. Her eyes were sliver, like a newly polished ring. When I smiled at her, she quickly hid behind her mother's leg, but came to realize that I was trying to be nice. She crept from behind the leg and smiled back at me.

I waved. I jumped when Graham nudged my elbow. "God, you scared me!"

He didn't look sorry, he looked curious. "Who were you waving at?"

Stepping away from him slightly, I pointed to the little girl still clinging to that leg. "Oh."

The little girl looked at him like he was some angel. "Looks like someone's got an admirer."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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