Chapter Four

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I finish signing the remaining autographs and pictures of fans. I love every moment of this. My fans are my everything, and without them, I'm nothing. I try with all my heart to concentrate, but my mind can't help but wander off into a daze about this captivating woman I have just met. I don't know how she's put me though this spell, but I know I must be with her.
"That's a wrap boys, you're done for the day," someone yells.
"Mr. Somerhalder the women you requested are waiting up stairs in your room."
"Thank you Claudia. Did you catch a vibe the brunette was giving? Did she seem into me or think I'm a total stalker?"
"Well considering she and her friend couldn't stop giggling on the elevator ride up, I believe your chances are good sir."
"Thank you so much Claudia, what would I do without you? Oh one last thing for today, will you order us all fish for lunch?"
"No problem Mr. Somerhalder." Paul and I are trapped by the elevator as we waited for it to come by fans who wanted some more last minute photos. Finally, when the doors to the elevator came Paul, Claudia, and I jump in. With the clear, and reflective door I fix my hair and try too look as best as possible when we arrive.
"Dude she's just a fan. Why are you getting so worked up?" Paul asks.
"I have a feeling," I respond.
"What's that mean?"
"This spectacular woman is going to be my wife."
"Shut up dude, you've had one conversation."
"You don't understand. When I looked into her eyes after she hit me with the door, I saw something. The rest of our lives together ran through my mind. I saw us, like a fast forward movie, getting married, having two kids, and then grandkids. This girl is special, and I'm not about to lose her. She feels like... like..." (elevator doors open. Short pause while Ian notices Nicole.)
I stand there for awhile trying to catch the breath that was stolen from me. Paul pushes me out the way.
"Hello ladies."
I quickly fall back to earth and say, "I hope we didn't keep you waiting long."
"I requested lunch that Mr. Somerhalder ordered. I hope everyone likes fish."
"Fish is Nicole's absolute favorite," Nicole's shorter, blond friend says.
"Mine too," I smirk. I don't remember how lunch went, I was lost deep in Nicole's eyes. I memorized her entire facial structure. Her flawless cheekbones, strong jaw, the birthmark on her chin, her rosy cheeks, perfectly colored in eyebrows, the colors she used in her makeup. I couldn't help but memorize every detail of it. Once we're all done we move to the living room and take a seat. I sit across from Nicole so I can keep admiring her. They chat about where we should start our tour of Oregon.
"Oh what about the Portland Japanese Garden?" Mia suggests.
"I love the Garden. Do you guys want to go?" Nicole says in her sweet voice.
"Sure," Paul replies.
Noticing that this is a great time to get some alone time with Nicole I say, "Umm, you know I'm feeling a bit tired. Why don't Paul and Mia go ahead, and we'll meet up with them?"
"Ian," Paul snaps at me, "I don't think Nicole wants to wait around for you all afternoon. Do you?"
"I don't mind, Mia?"
"Then let's go Paul!" Mia says. She seems a bit drunk at this point, so Paul leads her out. He grumbles like a cranky, old man on his way out. At last, I'm alone with Nicole, and I need to make a move soon.

~Read Chapter 5 for more~

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