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After gathering the information and charging the police officer, Hotch and JJ headed back to the family's house. "Did you find him?" They asked with hope. "No sorry, but we would like to stay here with you guys in case we get any information." JJ asked nicely. "That's fine." They went to bed after they ate. "JJ I'll take the couch." Hotch said. "No, Hotch you can't. Not after what you did today." "I can't let you sleep on the couch ether JJ." "Ok, then we both sleep in the guest bedroom."

JJ took one side and slept under the covers, while Hotch slept above the covers with some blankets. During the night, JJ woke up to Hotch talking. He was sleep talking. She tried to wake up Hotch so he didn't wake up the family.

"Hotch you ok?" She asked quietly. "Yeah, I'm fine." "You want to talk about it?" She asked with true concern. "Uh...how did you wake up?" he asked trying to switch the subject. "You were talking." "What was I talking about?" He asked curiously.  "You just kept saying stop. You want to tell me what it was about?" "I don't really remember." He said hiding the truth. 

They both tried to sleep again, but they couldn't. In the morning, the team found the unsub. Rossi, Morgan, and Reid got the unsub and brought him to the police station. "Wheres the boy?" Rossi yelled. "I'll tell you if you get those two agents over here. The ones at the house. I'll talk to them."

Rossi called Hotch and told him what was going on. They rushed over and went to the interrogation room. They walked in. "Good. I knew they would call you." The unsub said. "What do you want?" Hotch yelled. "Calm down. I'll tell you where the boy is if you do something for me." "What?" Hotch said with anger. "I want to smell her hair and I want a picture of you. When you were younger, of course." The unsub just smiled as they walked out.

"Hotch you don't have to." Rossi tries to tell him. "No, I do. We need to find these boys." He called Garcia and asked her if she could get the picture. "Sure. I'll send it to you." Hotch walked back in with JJ and she let the unsub smell her hair. Then Hotch pulled out the picture of himself at age eight.

"Here. Now wheres the boy?" Hotch said. "You would have been the perfect boy." The unsub told Hotch. "Hes at the cabin my parents owned." Hotch ran out and the team hopped in the SUVs. They got the boy and he was alive. Hotch and JJ called the parents.

The team got on the plane and sat down for the long flight home. The plane took off and they started the long journey home. Hotch got up to make himself some tea when he got cornered by JJ and Rossi.

"Aaron, are you ok?" Rossi asked while putting his hand on Hotch's shoulder. "I'm fine." he replied with his head down. "Are you sure?" JJ said with worry in her voice. "I'm okay." He grabbed for his cup, but Rossi stopped him.

"I know that voice." Rossi told him. "Dave, I'm Fine." Hotch's voice gaining in anger, telling Rossi to back off. "No Aaron, your not. You need to talk with someone. Especially with what just happened." "Dave. I'm alright." "No, talk to someone or I will sit you down and tie you to a chair tell you talk to me." Rossi joked,  trying to lighten the mood.

Hotch just continued to look at the ground. "Hotch." JJ asked in a calm voice. "What?" He said quietly. "We can talk about this when the boys go to bed. Ok?" "Sure." He said even more quiet then before. Rossi finally let Hotch through and he went to go sit in the corner.

"JJ. How did you know that was going to work?" Rossi asked making some popcorn. "He was being shy and its what I would use on Henry." "Oh. Can you make sure he has that talk? Tell me if he needs anything?" Rossi said with lots of concern in his voice. "No problem, Rossi."

During the rest of the flight home, the team talked and played games. They all had fun except for Hotch who sat in the corner of the plane and thought about the case, his life, and everything else.

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