Day off

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JJ woke up to Hotch talking and shaking. It was 1:00 am. She moved her hand to his arm and just as she touched him, he calmed down. So she pulled away her arm and just as soon as she did, he started to shake again.

This time she slid over so she was touching his shoulder with her head and she could keep it there tell she woke up. When she did wake up, Hotch was still sleeping and she had to go to work.

When she got to work, everyone asked her how Hotch was. "Hey JJ. How is Hotch?" Morgan asked. "He's fine. He was still sleeping when I left." "That's funny. I excepted to see him here." Morgan chuckled. "I was just surprised he was still sleeping." JJ laughed with him.

Hotch woke up to the boys laughing and running around the house. He got up and went to go see what they were doing. They were playing tag. "Hey Daddy! Your it!" "Sorry buddies, but I'm on crutches, so I can't run." "That's ok. We will go easy on you!" Henry yelled. "Alright."

Hotch played tag with them tell it was lunch time. Then he made them some mac and cheese. They watched a movie, which the boys fell asleep during, so he lad them on the couch and put a few blankets on them.

Around 5 o clock, JJ came home to the boys wrestling Hotch. "Boys, what are you doing?" "Were catching a criminal!" they yelled together. They got Hotch on his back and jumped on his stomach. Hotch picked up Jack and put him on the couch, but soon after Henry grabbed his arms. Jack went back on Hotch and pulled Hotch's arms above his head.

"We got him!" they yelled together. JJ pulled out some handcuffs from her bag and gave them to Jack. "Here. Handcuff your criminal and I'll read him his rights." "Thanks mom. That's so cool." Henry smiled. "What did he do?" She asked as Jack put the cuffs on. "He took our toys and put them in jail." Jack pointed to the pillows in the corner that had a piece of paper on it saying "Jail." JJ laughed.

"Dinner is here." JJ pulled out a bag of burgers and fries. "Go wash your hands." She told the boys. "Ok." They got off Hotch and ran to the bathroom. JJ walked to the table and put the food down. "Hotch you coming?" "I would like to, but I can't." He said still laying on the floor. "Why?" "The boys handcuffed me and I can't move my leg." Hotch said. "I'm so sorry Hotch. I completely forgot."

She ran over with the keys and took off the cuffs. She helped him up and to the table. They ate dinner and watched another movie. After the movie, JJ put the boys to bed. Hotch was still on the couch so she went over to talk with him.

"Hey how was your day?" He asked her. "Good. Everyone expected you to be there." "I was going to go, but you left." He chuckled and she laughed. "Well, I'm tired. These boys are nonstop play." Hotch got up and headed to bed with JJ behind him.

"Hotch, did you have a nightmare last night?" "Yeah." he whispered to her. "I think what I did yesterday helped. So if you don't mind, I'll do it again." "What did you do?" Hotch asked. "I put my head on your shoulder and you seemed to calm down." "Yeah. If you don't mind." Hotch asked nicely. "I don't Hotch. What ever I can do to show you I'm sorry." Hotch laid down and she did to.

At 2:00 am, JJ's phone went off. "Hey Garcia. We have a case, don't we?" "Yes, but I'm calling you early because they want Hotch here with me." "What? He should be on medical leave." JJ said with anger sweeping into her voice.  "I know and I told them, but the director ordered it." "Alright. When do we have to be there?" "Hotch here at 3:00 and you on the plane at 3:30." Garcia said calmly. "Ok, we'll be there, but can you help Hotch upstairs with his crutches?" "Yeah, I won't leave boss man without help." Garcia said smiling. "Thanks Garcia."

JJ called Jessica and she was going to be there in 10 minutes. Now her problem would be getting Hotch up. She was hoping that it wouldn't be to hard.

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