Author's Note

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This is the end of my story! It has taken a WHILE to get here. I would just like to address some of the decisions I made while writing this novel that could maybe shed some light on your opinions.

I know some of you just want to KILL ME for killing Maddie, but I had planned to do it all along from the moment I wrote the first line of this story...

Olivia and her father, Ryan, both lost their mothers. There are some parallels between the two.

Ryan's mother taught him how to play piano and supported him, she was the light in his life, and when she died, he didn't think he could find that light ever again, until Maddie.

When Maddie was killed, Olivia was lost the first few years, but she found herself. I think you guys can guess that she found herself through playing piano just like her father did. Olivia and Ryan are extremely alike, their lives happened to have fallen down for them in similar ways.

Unlike David, Ryan's father, who couldn't be there for Ryan, ryan realized that the only person who truly needed him was his daughter. He stepped up and was there for Olivia. He needed to make his daughter and his late wife happy. That was his life goal. To change and to find prosperity and happiness. Maddie did die, but his happiness did not fully die. Olivia embodied everything Ryan missed out on as he grew. Olivia IS his life, she IS his happiness.

The whole idea of killing Maddie was not a way for me to be cruel because trust me, nothing hurts me more than a mother dying. I cried as I wrote the scene.

I have come to learn that death does not always mean the end of something. Death can symbolize New Beginnings, white roses symbolize New Beginnings, the color of the roses that Ryan gave Maddie when they first met and the color of the roses on her casket when she died. Ryan needed to find himself again after she died, he decided to do that by being there for Olivia.

Death is a real part of life and too many stories show that characters just magically recover and live happily every after with their boyfriends/girlfriends/wives/husbands. That's just not the case. Death is real and tragic and will always be painful for the people who experience it.

I want my writing to be raw and real, and in order for me to make it so, I include death and its impact on people.

I truly hope you all have appreciated this story as much as I did. I worked incredibly hard to make this story as realistic, romantic, and tragically beautiful.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Xoxo -madi

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