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Ty P.O.V

I ran up to the door-after hiding my bike- and knock on it. When it open it was Ian? I remember him from a issuse of Playboy where it show the mangers and the people behind the magazine.

"Who are you?" He ask.

"Oh um.. I'm Ty, I'm here to work on a group project with Adam" I said.

"He can't he's-" He got interrupted by Adam.

"TY! There you are!" Adam said.

(It's 1:30 am on Chirstmas and imma try to finish this before going to sleep.)

My eyes widen when I saw him. He was wearing a tie with black dress pants and geeky glass on. I felt a blush rise when I realize I was checking him out. "Ummm uh hey Adam" I said and try to hide my blush behind my fringe.

He smirk a little before saying, "I'm sorry I forgot I had a photoshoot for a cover about me, Jason, and Mitch going to school."

"Oh um that's okay I can come ba-" he interrupt me.

"No stay, you can watch if you want and after the shoot we can go eat" he suggest.

"Uh sure."

He smile and motion me inside and to follow him. When I got in my eyes widen. There were cameras, lights, and people everywhere.

"Hey Adam! Hurry up!" I heard Mitch yell.

"I'm coming! Come on Ty" he grab my arm and drag me along with him. He stop in the living room where a white backdrop was at with lights on either side. In the middle of the backdrop was Jason and Mitch wearing similar clothing as Adam, but Mitch was wearing bunny ears. And like always, I was staring at Mitch's abs. I blush a deep red when I realize I staring too long and look over at Adam. "You can sit over there" Adam point at a chair by a table. I nod and quickly went over to the chair and sat down.

"What's your name?" I heard a girl I ask. I turn around to see a girl with short red sideswift hair.

"Ty" I answer.

"Alesa" she said and held out her hand. I shook her hand. "So you like Adam?" She said and turn around to grab something. I then a-fucking-gain blush.

"Yeah I guess."

"Me too, but I have a boyfriend already so you can have him."

'What the fuck?' I thought. She then turn around and move my hair out of my face.

"Wha?" She then started to put makeup on my face. "Woah!" I said and quickly move away from her.


"What are you doing?"

"Putting makeup on you, what else would I be doing?" She said in a duh tone.

"Umm, why tho?"

"Because I like putting makeup on people, now sit down." She grab me by my shoulders and sat me down on the chair and started putting makeup on me.

A half and hour later~

I sat looking in front of the mirror the for the hundred time. I look more emo than I already did. Mainly because she put eyeliner -or guyliner.

"YOU LOOK SO COOL!" I heard Adam yell from behind me. Scaring the living shit out of me while doing that. He laugh when I jump and turn and look at him with huge eyes. "Did I scare you?"

"No" I said looking away embarrassed.

"Suurre, anyways let's go eat, I'm hungry" he grab my wrist and pull me along with him into his car.

'And here we go.'



I s2g Toby

Toby: *giggles*

Sally: what did you people get for Christmas? I got a new dress!

Anyways, I'll update later today because it will still be Chirstmas for me and I want to give you people more chappies, and if you like this chapter hit that vote button with presents, and I will see you people later.)

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