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It's simply a death sentence once one wakes up in there... It is a dark and foreboding place, where entering a single room could be a fatal decision. It is a structure equipped with deadly traps, triggered by even a single movement in the rooms that contain them.
It is the Cube, of course, but it is truly shrouded in mystery. No common man even knows of where it could be, or how or for what purpose it was created. Several people have been imprisoned in this structure, and they have never gotten out of there alive. As for their presence in society, they literally vanish without a trace and are never mentioned again.

In the Cube itself, a lone man only known as "Dreyfus" wakes up and finds himself in a slightly dim white cubical room. He doesn't know where he is or who he was, his recollection of his past life having been wiped clean. He then got up and leaned against a wall as he observed his surroundings.
The wall Dreyfus leaned against had three metal rods in spaces that also contained the light sources, and led to a circular door in the dead center of the wall. These rods and light sources were also on the sides of, and above, the door.
The lighting and two short segments of metal chains were behind the rods and some sort of clouded translucent material that had a grate pattern on it hid the light sources, but still allowed the light to pass through it.
This assortment was virtually copied on every other wall, and on the ceiling and floor. Hollow metal pipes were on the edges of the room, and they seemed to serve no purpose at all other than for decoration.

Dreyfus then approached and opened the door affixed to the floor, and saw a blue-coloured room with the exact same design as the room he was in. He backed away from the door, and it closed automatically. He looked around a bit more, and approached the door closest to him.
He climbed up to open it, and entered the crawlspace to enter the adjacent room. This room was again another colour, with it being red. He took a look around the room and at the room behind him before he climbed down from the crawlspace into the red-coloured room.
The door closed behind him, and it was so silent in the room that he could hear himself breathing. He took a couple steps, and stopped when some sort of metal grate suddenly went through him. He didn't even say anything in reaction to it; From this, and indeed to the watchful eyes of the Zenitrene government, he was dead.

No-one, except for three technicians of the Cube, watched as Dreyfus' sliced-up body fell apart. Wether or not they are publicly known, they still work for the Zenitrene government–albeit being low-ranking governmental workers in terms of this one-party, totalitarian state.

Cube Zero: The Newly ImprisonedWhere stories live. Discover now