~ Chapter 7 ~

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We collected some of the "ectoplasm" in a jar and kept walking. As we made it to the Social Hall, the lights came back on, and students who were scared of the dark sighed with relief. The screams of shadow monsters filled the air, as they were forced out of their hiding spots. We watched in horror as their limbs got stuck in the walls and they screamed in pain. I turned away, to see Sophie behind us, in as much pain as the other monsters. She was the only monster who had decided to go through the floor, and the only thing he had managed to get out in time was her head. She was suffocating.
"TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!!!!" Twi screamed. I sped through the halls at lightnibg speed, to get to the control room. I briefly looked over each button and searched for the lights. There was a switch saying "Main Power". I flicked it and all the lights went out.
"GET OUT THE WALLS, IM GONNA TURN THE LIGHTS BACK ON!!!!" I screamed, then switched the lights.

I found Clawdia and Twi. We walked around the school, making sure the shadow monsters weren't harmed, when a hand touched my shoulder. I jolted around and saw... Sophie.

"I-I'm sorry..." She said, "You...saved me, after i was so mean to you." I felt like saying "Actually i didn't care about you, just having 50 monsters die isn't very convinient." Anger bubbled up in me, now she was sorry huh? After I saved her, not before when she called us "scrubs" and "fat asses".
"I-I'm sorry, I have to go" I said, before running off, Twi and Clawdia chasing after me.

"I just can't believe her!!!" I screamed.
"Eliza... Let me in..." Twi said after pounding on the toilet door for the 50th time. Clawdia didn't say anything. I was so mad, how dare she?!


"Again?!" Clawdia exclaimed.
"What broke?" Twi asked.
"How am i supposed to know?!" I replied.
"O-one of the sinks exploded!!" Clawdia yelled. I unlocked the cubicle. Sure enough, pieces of the sink were scattered everywhere. Me and Clawdia started looking over the damage as Twi stayed behind us.

"There's that weird goo again, any idea what it is Tw-" I turned to look at Twi, to see her clutching her head. "Twi? A-Are you ok?" I exclaimed.
"Do I look ok to you?!" She yelled, mad that we hadn't noticed her before. I ran over to her.
"Let me see..." I said and she lifted her hand. There was a small lump on her head, luckily she wasn't hit by a sharp piece.
"I had bent down to look at something shiny i saw on the floor, and then that's when the sink exploded." Twi explained.
"Why didn't you tell us you were hurt?!" Clawdia said.
"I-I don't know... I'm sorry." She murmured.
"You don't have to be sorry" I said. Suddenly my phone buzzed, Sophie.

Sophie: What the hell?!
Me: How did you get my number?!
Sophie: I have my sources...
Me: What is wrong with you?
Sophie: ...

I shut off my phone, not worth wasting my time on.

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