Chapter 2

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Percy pov 

It was cold. 

I was hungry.

I had to go home to get cloths and food at least.

I was running, my blue and black backpack, thumping against my bruised back and me wincing silently in pain each time the backpack came crashing back down on my back. I ran with long strides, aiming to get home as fast as I can and hoping he isn't home. Or at least sleeping. 

I ran with almost silent steps, each time my feet hitting the hard, grey concrete, pain flaring up my back. I ran clumsily, tripping over my feet every other step. After about ten painfully lon pg minutes of running, I made it to my apartment, sweating lightly from the run. I looked over to see that the car wasn't there, oh gods thank you. I mentally whispered to myself. 

I use the term "gods" because in second grade, my teacher was talking about Greek mythology and I gained a huge interest. I went home that day and god on my secret tablet and researched greek mythology, the Greek language, Greek culture and pretty much everything about Greece. After about a month in a half, I pretty much learned everything about Greece and knew how to read and speak it fluently. It was something none of my teachers saw before, an eight year old learning how to fluently read, write and speak Greek? That was unheard of. 

I looked at the place where the car usually would have been, just to make sure it really wasn't there, and it wasn't. I got up and ran as fast as I could up the stairs to my room, or more like a closet really, and I grabbed a few pairs of jeans and a pair of shorts, and I got five or six pair she of shirts that varied from blue to black to green. I searched hurriedly for my most prized possessions,

A small figureen of Poseidon the sea god with bronze battle armour and his trident in hand, riding a black Pegasus with a white mane and blue eyes, the Pegasus had its wings wide and Poseidon had his trident risen in a salute. And my other possession was a ball point pen. It was blue and had the words 'Riptide' etched into the side of it. It was given to me by my 2nd grade teacher when I learned Greek. The figureen was given by my mother, who had to leave me...

Sally Jackson. 

Sally Jackson was my mother, but one day about thirteen years ago, when I was five years old, my mother left. She left the house, the state, the country.. she went to Ireland, leaving me with him. But of course she thought that he was a good guy at the time, she left to Ireland in order to persue a job opportunity to be a writer. She got started on her books- Perry Jancson, the crown was about a young boy who was falsely accused of stealing the king of europes crown, and he had to get it back from the real their and prove it wasn't him. 

So she left me to persue her job as an author and left me alone with the monster I live with now. 

And I put on a fake smile and trudged on through the hell I call my life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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