The Figure

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Elwood had worked out a good system when it came to getting groceries. She would walk to Miskatonic, catch a bus, go to a store that would allow her "type" to shop there, and then go back home the same way. She was just putting away a some of her shopping, when she heard a loud crash, followed by a thump from upstairs. Assuming it was just the landlord knocking things over in a drunken rage, she continued to put her things away. After she'd finished, she boiled some water and made a cup of tea for Guilman. Since his outburst on the first morning of the semester, as well as his injury that very same day, she and Guilman had become quite good friends. Well, as close to good friends as nursing a depressed oaf could be. As she ascended the stairs to the second floor, she realized just how quiet the house had gotten. Normally when the landlord got into one of his fits, there would be almost constant shouting and crashing filling the air. However, since that first crash and thump, she could have heard a pin drop. When she reached Guilman's door, she knocked. "Walter!" she called. "I made you tea!". But there was no answer. Normally Guilman would let out a sad moan to let her know to come in. At first she was worried and considered knocking again, but it occurred to her that he was probably asleep. So, she turned the knob on the door and quietly stepped inside. Not only was Guilman laying face down on the floor, but his bed had been thrown off the northern platform and was now sitting uselessly on its side in the corner. Elwood rushed over to the lump on the floor and shook it. "Walter!" she said. Guilman moved slightly, and tilted his head up groggily at Elwood. "Hello, Daniella." he said quietly. "Are you okay? What happened?" Elwood asked, not at all hiding her concern. "Wh..What? Oh, just had another dream. They've been getting more intense!" Guilman said. "I can tell." Elwood replied sarcastically, glancing over at the bed on the other side of the room. "What happened in the dream?" she asked. "Oh" Guilman began. "There was a witch, a city, starfish-barrel hybrids, a rat. Basic nightmare stuff." Elwood was about to launch into a lecture about how no dream is basic if it leads you to throw your bed across the room, but she was distracted when the setting sun caught something bronze by the window. When she walked over to it she saw it was a figure of some kind, but representing something Elwood had never seen before. Whatever it was, it certainly looked like a starfish-barrel hybrid. "Whatchya got there?" Guilman asked. "I was hoping you could tell me." Elwood replied. She picked up the figure and brought it over to where Guilman was still laying on the floor. "Do you think that this could have influenced your dream?" She asked. When Guilman saw the thing, his eyes widened with fear. He quickly got up on his hands and knees and scrambled backward away from it. "No... it can't.... it wasn't..." He sputtered. "Guilman, get ahold of yourself!" Guilman calmed down slightly. "Now, what are you trying to say?" Elwood asked "Well... it's... I...." Guilman paused. "I have to see someone." Guilman stood and began toward the door. "Walter, wait!" Elwood called. "Oh don't get into the therapeutic stuff, Daniella." Guilman replied. "I'm absolutely certain that if I do this, everything will be better." He turned the doorknob and fast-limped through the door. "Actually," Elwood called after him. "I was going to suggest a change of attire!" Guilman stopped in his tracks. He was barefoot in striped pajamas.

The Marvelous Misadventures of Walter Guilman: The Witch HouseWhere stories live. Discover now