Killer In The Night - Chapter One

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So I decided to try a thriller! Not really my genre, but I figured it would be a cool thing to try. Not as bad as like the Saw movies or anything hahaha but it's gonna be preeeetty gory ;D

Anyways, enjoy!

Lovess youuu <3



Chapter One

"Time to get ready!" I yelled at my friend Sam. I had told my Dad we were going over to her house to spend the night, but that wasn't really the case, if you know what I mean. I already had my bag packed full of clothes and makeup, and I was almost ready to go. Since it was summer, we had planned on camping out in the trails by our trailer park, but we told my Dad we were pitching the tent in her backyard. The trails were a perfect place to chill in the summer, when the heat was just perfect. The nights only went down to maybe sixty, and sometimes the days could reach to over ninety. I'm not gonna lie, that's pretty warm for central New York. The little kids in the trailer park only went in a little ways, but us teenagers had the perfect little alcove surrounded by trees where we always had bonfires and smoked weed. Yes, we're little badasses, we know, trust me.

By the way, I'm Mikayla, and my friends call me Kayla. I searched my room for whatever else we knew we would need that night. Sam and her sister Skyler had come to my house about an hour early to help me get the plan straightened out. I almost smacked myself in the head when I realized I had almost forgotten my carton of Marlboro Reds. My favorite type of cigarette in the entire freaking world. I can deal with menthol, but full flavor is my thing. I had eight packs left, so I stuffed the carton, along with my two black lighters in what little space was left in my bag. I pawed through my bag, making sure I had my brush, gum, clothes, and makeup. One thing left to grab; my mini-bong and my six grams of weed. We had four other people coming with us, so I had made sure to buy us enough.

I threw my light hoodie on and prepared to walk out the door. I set down my bag once we had left my bedroom and stepped into the living room. "Daddy, we're leaving!" he almost at once emerged from his bedroom and proceeded to give me a hug goodbye.

"Are you gonna be good?" He asked me seriously. Even though I hated to lie to my parents, I did it on a regular basis. What? It's not like I'm gonna straight up tell my Dad we were gonna go have a kickass party in the woods tonight. Nah, not my kind of thing.

"Of course!" I told him.

"So what's the plan again?" he asked me. Sam and Sky stood by the door while I briefly spoke to my Dad.

"We're gonna go over to Sam's and Sky's and pitch the tent while it's still light out. We're gonna grab some munchies, bring out the radio and lantern, and just hang out."

My Dad smiled at me, for a flash making him look young again. He was only 42, but the stress of his life had left deep wounds. Figurative, of course.

"Sounds good," he answered me.

"And we're probably gonna stay up late, so I'll call you maybe around noon. We're not gonna be up till then anyways!" I laughed.

My Dad laughed with me and hugged me once more.

"Bye Dad! Love you!" I yelled as I slammed our front door shut. I had put everything we were going to need outside so we could grab it on our way out. The two room, ten person tent lay in its bag. Our sleeping bags and the cooler stocked with hot dogs, s'more stuff, a thirty rack of Bud Light, and plenty of munchies sat nestled right beside it. Sam and Sky had left their bags out here as well, so my Dad wouldn't think anything was suspicious.

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