Killer In The Night - Chapter Two

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So here's chapter two :)



Chapter Two

I couldn't stop staring at Lizz's lifeless body. The blood pooled around her and began to seep towards my flip flops. I scrambled back once more, only to feel a person behind me. My scream intensified, but was smothered when a hand covered my mouth. I began struggling, until I heard a voice in my ear.

"Babe, it's me." I recognized Ryan's voice instantly and whipped around. I crushed him to me in a bear hug. Tears streamed down my face. I was oblivious to anything around me, except the scent of Axe and blood wafting through the air.

I quickly got a hold of myself. We needed to figure out what to do, we couldn't just sit around and do nothing. I lifted my tear-stained face from Ryan's soaked shoulder and looked around. Skyler was crying next to Lizz's body, with Zach kneeling beside her and rubbing her back in soothing circles. Pat was pacing around the clearing with a pissed look on his face. Me and Ryan were still only a few feet from Lizz's corpse. Sam was sitting on the ground, away from everyone, a dumbstruck look on her face. Like this was all a dream, like none of it was real. Well it is.. I thought angrily in my head.

"Guys..." I called in a broken voice. All of their heads whipped around to face me. "We need to get out of here... like now," My voice faded, and I could feel the wet warmth of tears flooding my eyes.

"And leave her here?!" came an outraged scream. I looked up, startled, to see Skyler glaring at me accusingly.

"What else are we gonna do?!" I screeched back at her.

"Um, I dunno, maybe call the COPS?!" she yelled at me sarcastically.

I nearly slapped myself. Cell phones, duh! I ripped mine out of my pocket and began to dial. But all I heard was static. I pulled my phone away from my ear and glared at it in confusion. All of a sudden there was a spark in my phone and smoke started pouring out of it. I dropped it before it could burn my hand.

Fear began pumping through my veins again, making me hyperventilate. One quick look around the clearing told me that everyone else's phones had the same problem as mine.

"We're fucked." I said simply.

But in a way, we weren't. We were only ten minutes away from my house. If we booked there, we might make it in time and lock all the windows and doors and hide out. If not, we take one of my Dad's trucks and get far, far away from here. Like I said before, I'm always the plan maker. I stood up with an effort.

"Okay guys, listen up." I could hear my voice no longer quivered, no longer held any trace of fear. Instead it was full of confidence. Scared faces looked up at me. "We have two options. One, book back to my house, get inside, lock all the windows and doors, turn the lights off, and hide. But as you all know, this crew don't back down without a fight!" I could see hope beginning to dawn in the eyes of some of my friends and a surge of pride filled me; that I was able to bring my friends out of this deep, dark hole we had fallen into.

"And option two?" Zach asked me.

"Right. We book home, throw all our shit in the truck. You guys lock all the doors while I get my ATM card. I run back out, hop in the drivers seat, and we peel outta there and don't stop till we need gas. And the last time I checked, the tank was full. So we won't be stopping for a few hours." I looked around at my friends. "Anyone who wants option one, raise your hand." Only Sam and Skyler's hands went into the air. "Alright, looks like we're going with option two. Everything all packed up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2010 ⏰

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