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"Beautiful girls should never drink alone," a husky male voice whispered in my ear. My skin prickled slightly in alertness.

I turned on my bar chair to face the man who'd spoken, a small smile on my face. His skin was flawless and extremely pale. His features were absolutely striking and his body was extremely ripped.


"Are you alone?" he drawled out.

"Not anymore," I said smirking as I rested my hand on his knee. His pupils delated slightly.

Got you.

"So what's your name beautiful?" He asked. His eyes trailed along my neck, resting on my jugular as he licked his lips.

"Alexandra Night. Yours?" I smiled flirtatiously as I fluttered my eyelashes.

My impatience grew as he studied me. I was hoping to get more than one tonight and he was holding me back.

"Eric," he smiled," At your service my lovely vixen." I groaned internally but continued with my act. A half hour later we were in his car heading toward my decoy home.

"Thank you Eric," I pretended to slur when we stopped in front of the house. He smiled down at me his face telling me he thought I was easy prey.

Yeah right! Like four drinks could get me drunk!

Eric leaned forward as if to kiss me, his eyes glowing softly as his voice thickened," Look at me human."

I did as he said as he tried to compel me. Won't work idiot, butofcourse he didn'tknowthat. His fangs extended to their full length as I slipped my hand into my purse and around me stake.

His nose brushed my neck as he softly kissed my throat. "I hate to rip such smooth skin....but I promise to make this a pleasurable as possible."

My fangs extended as I whispered his next words.

"This will hurt a bit."

His jaw slacked as he looked at his chest. My stake pierced his heart and I twisted, a silent 'oh' came from his mouth as the fire in his eyes burned out. His body collapsed onto mine and I groaned out loud.

Great, now I have to drag him inside! Why didn't I do this inside!? Stupid bloodsucker!

I glared down at his body as I pulled him inside and burned him to ashes. As I walked up the stairs to get a change of clothes I tripped over a broken step.

Note to self: Stop wearing heels to hunts.

I quickly slipped on a short black dress and pulled on a pair of combat boots. As I ran out of the house and into his car I reminded myself to get the next one inside.

Soon enough I found myself in the same bar with a shot of Vodka in hand as I danced through the crowd of drunken, erotic dancers. As I swayed my hips to the beat of the music a crackle if electricity went through my body before two large hands grabbed my waist and pulled my against a hard chest.

"Hey there." said the vampire behind me. I continued to dance and he growled softly as he pulled me farther into him. He spun me around and I smiled up at him. His bright blue eyes smiled down at me and his dark brown hair framed his masculine face. He leaned down to my level and whispered in my ear,"Come with me."

"How about a drink first?" I countered as he dragged me away from the crowd. Jeez! Do I look like a hooker! Do I!?

"Don't bother I want you." he chuckled softly as he lead me to the door. Not wanting to miss a kill I let him lead me outside and made sure my steps seemed slightly drunken.

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