Ice Breaker

17 1 0

Ugh my head.

I opened my eyes and was instantly greeted with a pair of haunting bloody red one. Just great, get kidnapped by the vampire!

"Good your finally awake," he said as he skimmed his fingers over my jaw,"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to leave a mark." His slight grimace told me he was sincere, but then again he did punch me.

I frowned deeply and stretched my jaw, yup I was definitely going to feel that in the morning. Well if I lived to see tomorrow...

Glaring at the vampire in front of me I tried to shove him away from me. Key word tried. Chains rattled as I tugged with every ounce of my strength to snap them; nothing, not even a creak. Sighing in defeat I snapped at him. "What do you want with me?"

His face grew serious,"Who do you work for?"

"I don't work bloodsucker."

He smirked at me,"Badass aren't we?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I glanced around the room looking for a way out. Where were we? His house? A dungeon? A warehouse? Wherever we were the odds weren't looking good for me. Damn it all.

"I was referring to your job as a Slayer." He pressed.

"Not a job, just what I do," I paused, glared at him with my black eyes blazing,"You monsters shouldn't exist."

He snorted,"Like I haven't heard that one before. But you have to be working for someone. A mortal teenager wouldn't be able to kill us so easily. You have to be getting some training or help."

"I'm 21," I snapped sharply at him. He flinched at my tone but otherwise stayed calm,"I am not some reckless teenager! And I am not a mortal! So Fuck Off! Because its not any of your damn business."

He smirked at me. "No offense Sweetheart but your no Wonder Woman."

I shook my head. God! Couldn't I catch a break?! Why was I always stuck with such annoying bloodsuckers?!

"I'm half vampire," I answered bluntly. My anger spiked when he began to laugh.

"Sure you are Sweetheart and I'm a fucken fairy." He bared his teeth at me and held my neck tightly as he hissed,"Stop fucking with me and we can leave here without too many cuts."

"Go to Hell," I growled. He slapped me across the face and my head snapped to the side. Copper filled my mouth but I swallowed.

"Who are you working for? Whose paying you to kill?" he demanded.

"I don't work for anyone you loon!" I yelled at him. Oh he was gonna die so painfully.

"Liar." He got close to me, to close. His nose skimmed my throat and collar bone and he breathed in my scent."Your boss pays you with his blood," he murmured,"I can smell it pulsing through you."

I recoiled from his touch but honestly I had no room and my back ended up hittting a wall. "You smell vampire in me because I am a half-breed," I bit out.

"Stop lying."

"I'm not!"

He laughed cynically in my ear. His hands gripped my thighs harshly and he slowly began to trace my collar with his mouth. My breath came in raggedly as I tugged uselessly at my chains. "Just kill me already."

"Not yet Sweetheart. I need answers."

Great so I was going to die. I was going to end up abandoning my brother just like my mother and father had.

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