1: Bucky

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Hey! I do not own Marvel, or any of the characters associated with marvel. Also, Just as a warning this story is graphic and maybe a little gross, especially this chapter. If you are sensitive to that kind of thing, I recommend not reading this story. I repeat, if you can't handle reading grading imagery of blood, death, violence, etc. Then DO NOT read this story. That being said it is not my fault if you are disgusted by this, you have been thoroughly warned.

But If you are okay with it, enjoy!

I look at Steve, the building began to collapse on itself and Tony Stark was trying to kill me. My day just keeps getting better and better. I don't blame him though, I did kill his parents in cold blood. I hear the sound of breaking glass as the other super soldiers, who were previously shot in the head, fall onto the floor and are crushed by falling metal and rock. Due to being cyrogenicly frozen, they shatter into a million peaces leaving frozen blood and organs scattered on the floor.

"Get out of here," Steve yells. Don't need to tell me twice, I turn and begin sprinting for the exit as Steve try to hold off Stark. I run, the echoing sound of the crumbling structure is so loud I can't hear my feet thumping endlessly on the ground.

It doesn't take long to reach the exit, well to be under it, I might say. It is about three story's up and there are not any stairs, just a series of rickety metal platforms scattered about the circular wall. Who built this? It has absolutely no practicality, but who am I to argue what's logical. I fell out of a train and to the ground more than a hundred feet below, and survived. I got a metal arm, was brainwashed by Hydra, killed Stark's family and after all that, Steve still wants to protect me. I begin to climb up the metal platforms hoping one doesn't collapse under my weight. I get halfway to the door, going from one platform to the other like clockwork, when out of my peripheral vision, I see Stark fly up. I turn around just as he tried to blast me with the iron man suit of his. I dodge it but the platform is to small and I end up falling to it platform a few feet below. I land on my one real arm, and to a normal person it would hurt but it's nothing compared to injuries I had in the past. I get up just as Stark lands on the platform to join me. He throws a punch, I dodge. I throw a punch I hit metal, not doing much damage is I would like. I punch again and again trying to cause a system fail or at least damage it enough to make it harder for him to kill me.

Stark manages to get a few hits to, it stings a bit, but not bad enough for it to really affect me. I hear the clambering of metal as Steve makes his way up the platforms to us. He reaches the one we are on and tackles Tony drawing him as far down as possible. I begin to climb the platforms to the top again, not waiting for Steve. He wouldn't want me to, plus he can handle himself.

I'm almost at the top when I hear a muffled voice and a blast whirs by me blowing up the door and knocks me off the metal platform to some concrete below.

I hadn't realized that I passed out until I woke up on the floor, a stinging pain in my head and back. I roll over to see Steve and Stark locked in a fight. Steve had lost his shield making in increasing difficult for him to get the upper hand on Stark. It didn't take long before Stark began beating Steve to a bloody pulp. He fell to his knees just to the side of me.

"Stay down," Stark warned. I get up, charging him into the opposite wall before Stark realised what was happening. I punch his blue chest plate, as to stop his suit from working. I get only a few good punches in before he regained himself. I heard a charging noise and I was pushed back by Stark. My metal arm gets blown clean off, revealing inner wires and only half a tattoo of a red star remained. Steve was still trying to pull himself off the ground as I spun back around, facing Stark. He raised him arm. Blasters, or what even there called, pointed at me.

He shoots.

I close my eyes knowing that this blast will likely kill me.

I wait. . . But instead of feeling pain I feel a liquid spray on my face. I open my eyes just in time to see Steve's body crash to the floor in a bloody heap. A hole blasted clean through his head. Revealing part of his brain and skull. It was that moment, the moment I realized I had my best friends blood covering my face, dripping back down to the floor when Steve lay, the moment Stark realized he killed one of his best friends, it was that moment, that everything changed.

I stare down at my friend and are whole relationship reeled through my mind, the good moments and the bad. All the times we went to the movies or just talked and laughed together. All the time we fought, and tried to kill each other. At this point, I didn't care if Stark wanted to kill me or not. It probably wouldn't be so bad of he did. It only reason I was specifically staying alive was because of him. He could of killed me, but I have a feeling that he didn't care anymore either. I had a feeling he wouldn't ever trust himself again.

I looked at Steve he looked so broken. His eye was disintegrated but some of it still oozed into his own blood making it slightly pinker than it should be. His remaining eye was open, cold, empty. . . He had blood in his hair and bits of brain matter sticking to it. As the blood dried, it matted his hair down I goofy ways. Bits of his skull was stuck inside his brain and he no longer looked like Steve. But in someways as he lay here now, he reminds me of the Steve I used to know, scrawny and week, but still willing to risk himself for others.

I looked back up to Stark and he was on his knees looking at his hands thinking about what he had done, who he had just killed.

Hi! Thanks for reading. Sorry if that disgusted you, or made you feel bad. I did warn you though. But non the less hope you like the story. I will try to update soon, but I tend to update when I feel like updating. Comment your thoughts, I would like to know what you think. The gore will probably get less intense from here on out. Bye!

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