6: Clint

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I sit in the tiny cell provide to me . It feels like I have been in here for days. I try my best to exercise in the small space, keeping my mind off Steve and the accords. I see Wanda from across the room. She's wrapped in a strait jacket and sit with her back again the wall and head sagged. I want to punch whoever put that jacket on her, I want to comfort her, tell her that it will be fine. But I can't because I don't know that. I never liked making unkeepable promises anyway. It only makes life difficult when they don't happen.

I hear the clambering on a metal door, I don't bother to stand. It's either someone coming to give us all food or convincing us to follow the accords. I look over to the person standing in the center of the room.

"Nat?" I say standing. She looks angry. Her jaw is clenched and her brow is frowned. "What are you doing here?" I ask. She closes he eyes and takes a breath. I see the others have stood and were looking at Nat through the bars.

"Steve's dead," she announces. I hear everyone shift, to stunned at the news. This could be a trick to get us to consent to the accords, but the look on Natasha's face tells me it's not.

"What do you mean Steve's dead?" I ask still unsure of this whole situation.

"I mean he was killed," she pauses. "By Bucky." Wanda gasps.

"No," Sam says. "Bucky my be unstable, but he wouldn't kill Steve."

"He has tried in the passed," I say. "It's possible he freaked again and killed Steve.

"But he's Captain America," Scott says. "How could he be dead?" I know Scott does not know him very well, but he's a good guy, he cares about others. I could almost imagine the his face. He probably looked like a kid who was told his dad wasn't coming home.

Wanda has retreated to the corner of her cell I here Sam hit the cell bars with his fists. Scott sits noisily down on his cot and I stare at a Natasha who is still standing in the middle of the room. She returns my gaze and walks closer to my cell.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask.

"I don't know." She leans in close. "I'll get you out of here and we can go find Bucky. Just wait, okay?" I nod. She makes her way to the exit. I sit down on the bed and run my hands through my hair.

A few days later, Nat returns with Tony. It was a fast and simple operation, in and out in under 5 minutes. No one said or did anything at first but the minute we got in the helicopter and took off, Sam pinked Tony square in the jaw knocking him to the floor of the helicopter.

"How could you let it happen? How could you let Steve be killed?" Sam shouted kicking Tony in the side. Tony didn't try to fight back or make any attempt to defend himself.

"It all happened so fast, we were talking to a man by the name of Baron Zemo. The one who actually set the bomb at the accords meeting. Everything was doing okay, but then out of nowhere, Bucky attacked Steve, maybe Zemo did something to cause him to turn. I don't know, but Steve was dead before either of us had time to react."  Sam stopped kicking Tony, he clearly believed his story, so did I and everyone else. We had no reason to believe that his story was a lie.

The helicopter ride to the safe house was pretty quite after that, but we were all thinking the same thing, we had to find Bucky and make him pay for what he did.


Hello! I know I haven't posted in a while, but here is the next chapter. Also, I may not write anymore to this story, but there is always a possibility that I will. Sorry, for typos and shity writing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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