Gone!? (Chapter 4)

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~Joey's POV~

At about midnight, I heard Ava crying so I went to see what was wrong. I took Ava out of her crib and into the living room. I stayed with her for about 5 minutes before she got to sleep again. I put her back in her crib and got back into bed, where Daniel was waiting.

"You really love her, don't you?" Daniel mumbled and I nodded. "She's so cute, and I can tell she will be an amazing young lady when she grows up" I whispered and dug my head into his neck. He chuckled a bit and we fell asleep.

~Dan's POV~ *6:00 a.m.*

Ava was crying, so I groaned and got out of bed to get her. I picked her up and took her downstairs. I held her on my hip as I got her bottle ready and got her a pacifier so she would SHUT UP. About 30 seconds later the microwave beeped signaling the bottle was done, so I took it out and began to feed Ava.

The mail light soon lit up, so I grabbed Ava and headed downstairs to get the mail.

~Phil's POV~

"PHIL! WAKE UP!" Joey was shouting in my face and I groaned. "What is so important you had to wake me up at 6:30?" I asked and sat up. "Ava and Dan are gone that's what!" "They probably just went to the store or something," I said but Joey was still freaking out.

I rolled my eyes. "If your so worried, just call him," I said and got up to make breakfast.

~Dan's POV~

After I grabbed the mail, I decided to take a tiny walk to Starbucks to grab me and Phil a quick coffee. I walked over to Starbucks and put Ava in a baby highchair. I left the baby to go order the coffees.

I came back to the table after ordering and Ava was gone. I panicked and looked around all of Starbucks, and couldn't find her.

I walked out of Starbucks, coffees completely forgotten, and looked all around for Ava and couldn't find her. 'Phil is going to kill me' I think and get my phone out of my pocket.

I hesitate for a minute. Phil will ACTUALLY kill me if he finds out what I've done so, I put the phone back in my pocket and start looking agian.

~Phil's POV~

After breakfast, I start to get a bit worried. What if something happened to Ava? Or Dan? I sigh and go to sit on the couch, but the doorbell rings.

"Hello how can I," I say and see it's my neighbor, Kaylee, with Ava in her arms. "Oh my gosh Ava! Where is Dan? Where did you find her?" I ask and Kaylee hands Ava to me. "Dan was at Starbucks and left Ava at a table, and while he was gone this weird man came up to her and was about to pick her up, but I got there first. I looked for Dan, but I couldn't find him so I immediately came here. I hope you don't mind" She said and rubbbed the back of her neck.

"Of course not! I have to get back, but thanks so much!" I said and closed the door. I took Ava and sat with her in the living room. "I think your dad is worried about you" I said to Ava and took out my phone.

"Hey Phil..." Dan says and he sounds sad. I decided to play with him a bit and said "Hey! You have Ava, right?" I said and laughed a bit. "Uh, about that..." He trailed off and he took a deep breath.

I decided to not torture him anymore, and come out. "Dan, I have Ava. Kaylee saw she almost got grabbed so she went ahead and brought her here" I said and I heard him breathe a breath of relief. "Oh my gosh, I'll be home right away" He said and hung up.

I laughed a bit and held Ava in my arms. I kissed her forehead as she fell asleep and I held her close to me.


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