Avery Marie Howell-Lester (Chapter 2)

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~Diane's POV~ (it's the mom who said she would give them the baby)

The minute that baby came out, I knew she would be a disappointment. The doctor handed me her to say goodbye, but I threw her across the room and started screaming, saying she didn't deserve to even live.

Some doctors rushed to the baby to make sure she was ok, and some rushed to the phone to call the police on me.

But I didn't care.

I heard the doctors talking about how she had brain damage, and I fell asleep knowing I did some good in the world.

~Phil's POV~

"Dan! Hurry up!" I said as we rushed to get inside the hospital. Most people were gone, considering it was 3:00 in the morning, but I didn't care. I just wanted to see my beautiful baby girl.

Me and Dan talked about it, and we decided on naming her Avery Marie Howell-Lester. But we would call her Ava for short ;)

We got inside and asked the woman at the desk and asked where she was and she told us 4th floor, room 100. So we rushed to the elevator and waited to see our baby.

When we were in the elevator, I got nervous. What if we weren't good parents? What if she gets hurt? I think Dan saw that I was worried, cause he held my hand and whispered reassuring things into my ear.

We got out of the elevator and was immediately greeted with a doctor. "Are you Dan Howell and Phil Lester?" He asked and we nodded.

"Yes, is there something wrong?" I asked. "Well, sort of. The mother of the baby, Diane, threw the baby. We are not sure if the baby has brain damage, but if you suspect anything, don't hesitate to call. Now would you like to see your daugter?" He asked and we nodded.

Brain damage... I can't believe it. I can't believe that someone would throw a poor, helpless baby across a room just because you didn't think she was going to do some good in the world.

We got into the nursery for babies and immediately saw one that caught our eye. The doctor lead us over to her and man, was she perfect.

She had pretty long hair for a baby, and it was a dark brown that could easily be mistaken for black if you didn't look close enough. She had green eyes and the most perfect smile.

"So, have you decided on a name?" The doctor says as he handed her to me. Dan and I smiled down at her as she woke up. She smiled and giggled, holding onto Dans finger.

"Her name is Avery Marie Howell-Lester" I said as we both smiled down at our perfect daughter.


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