BSM Surprise (Michael)

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Michael age- 12

It coming up to christmas and Michael is living in England because he's backing up One Direction in January. You were really missing him and he loved chirstmas expressly with his little sister. But this chirstmas he's away.
Today you woke up and it was chirstmas day you ran into Michaels room then realised he wasn't there. So you just walk into you mum and dads room and jump on there bed just like you and Michael do every year. You and. You parents were opening presents from you stockings when you here a click from the door like it just opened. You ask your mum what was that and she tells you to take a look you. So you very carefully go down the stairs and go to the chirstmas tree and all the presents but then you see a person on the coach. You then feel scared there someone in your house. He turns around and you see your big brother Michael there so run up to him in the biggest hug ever " I didmt want to chirstmas without my little sister" he's says while picks you up in a bar hug. You then say "this is going be the beat chirstmas ever". 

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