BSM your adopted Ashton

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Ashton age 10
You have been at the adoption centre for 2 months. Ever since your mother jumped off a building because everyone thought she was a liar. ( get what i did there) you didnt think she was but she jumped anyway. today was the day you were hoping to get adopted not like what happened to the other couple. they were just about to adopt you when this young girl came up to them and they instantly fell in love. They adopted her as soon as they found her they didn't even say goodbye by. You was so sad you didn't leave you room until you had too today. 

You were downstairs when the people come in to adopt some younger people of course. you were siting on the sofa reading your book when someone comes over and says "hey" you look up and smile not knowing what to say. She then just smiles back at you and stands back up and goes over to a guys witch was slightly staring at you. He then just moves along and goes to you think that it is his mother.  " y/n" mrs Holmes says you put your book down and look at her " you hve been just adopted by this lovely family for real now go up stairs to pack your books and stuff" she says and you go upstiars. 

Its been a couple of days with the irwins its been great you love you bothers and your sister and your new parents but you still miss your mother. you vist her once every week Ashton will take you and make sure you are back home its was  all great but school starts tomorrow you hope that goes well.

im so sorry this is short i have no ideas and the moment please send requests please this s actally geting really hard now im sorry. thanks . 

midnightanna xx

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