Chapter 13

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The hike is pretty long, and tiring. And, it is no better that the sun is beaming right on them. Nothing is out ahead but nature. The trees shed some of the suns torture. Luckily, they manage to stock on Umbrellas and other things to block as much sun as possible. To Roxanne's surprise, Michael was going further than her on the rocky trail. Her and her mother stay a little further back to do some sightseeing. The feeling of nostalgic comes over Roxanne. She hasn't been here in ages; so, she feels good in this moment.

"How are you doing up there, Michael?" Roxanne asks.

Michael, now pretty upbeat since the shower sex this morning, looks back at Roxanne. They both share the secret joke and look at one another with that lust as always.

"I'm doing wonderful." He winks his eye.

"Alright love birds...We're going to take a five." Pat announced.

Everyone gathers up the hill, and drops their bags instantly. Earl and Tina take water break. Pat reads the map to make sure they are on the right trail. They are...Roxanne goes into the nearby woods. She turns to see Michael joining her.

"It's beautiful out here." He approaches her.

"Just wait. The waterfall we're going to is magnificent."

The both of them take a sip of water, and keep cool the best they can.

"I can get use to this." He says.

"Oh, you'll love my parents then."

They soon get back on the trail and continue to the small paradise. Another hour, they arrive...They come up to a steep hill. Right over the hill, they're all greeted with a wonderful view. A mass waterfall, with a very deep dive, if anyone would dare try to jump in it. They stand directly on its edge. The heavy midst, and humidity from the water gathers around them. Michael has never seen anything so beautiful in his life. It's almost like they have walked into another part of the planet that only exists to them. The tropical trees really give it that exotic feel.

"So, what do you think?" Roxanne nudges his shoulder.

"It's...Out of this world." Michael mumbles.

The rest of the family take pictures, or just stand and admire. Roxanne walks over to them. She embraces her mother.

"I used to bring you here all the time as a little girl. It feels good to have my baby here with me again."

"I know, mom. I know..."

Everyone is taken from the moment when they hear a loud splash. Then, Roxanne notices Michael is missing...Panicking a little, she soon discovers he has jumped!

"Roxanne!" Roxanne looks from the other side of the water fall...Michael surfaces to the top, looking up at Roxanne.

"Are you crazy!? You can get yourself killed!"

Michael laughs. He knew he was taking a risk when he jumped in. Luckily, he's fine. He does some backstrokes. He's enjoying the water, and the freedom. "Oh, what the hell..." Roxanne takes off her shorts and t-shirt. She's glad she listened to herself earlier, and put a bikini underneath her outfit...Her mother approaches her instantly. She grabs her arm.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Mom...I found someone just as crazy as me. That's hard to come by."

She pulls from her arm, and jumps into the water as well. During the fall, Roxanne felt scared...But, that doesn't stop her from landing into the water perfectly...She soon approaches Michael.

"You're wild. You know that?" Michael smiles.

"I know. That's why you love me."

The lovers soon get out of the water. They're greeted by the family with towels to keep dry and warm. Michael changes into an extra set of clothing he has in his backpack. Roxanne sits beside of him once putting on her clothes. The family continue hiking, and, approach the top of a steep mountain. They stop here for lunch. Afterwards, they enjoy the rest of nature before heading back home. Roxanne and Pat do a lot of horseplay, and wrestling, which worries their mother. She doesn't want them to accidently fall off of the cliff's edge. "Alright you two!" She yells out. They stop instantly...Pat carries his sister on his back bringing her back towards the wooded area.

Roxanne explores the woods. She comes up to Michael, whom seems to be needing some alone time. There's a small pond he sits next to.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Never. Come. Have a seat."

She makes herself comfortable by Michael. He continues to stare out to the pond. He skips a few rocks in the process. Roxanne can't remember the last time she's been around an atmosphere this peaceful. The serenity enlightens her.

"My parents really like you."

She looks over to Michael, whom never responds. He never even looks over to her. He just stares out ahead, appearing to be in deep thought...Roxanne touches his shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"I am not going back, Roxanne."

"I think people would start getting suspicious once Michael Jackson isn't on that stage tomorrow night." Roxanne says in a joking tone.

But, Michael is in no way joking.

"That's the problem! My whole life is in a damn fish bowl."

Tense, Michael jumps up from his spot. Roxanne wasn't expecting him to respond so strongly...She follows him. Michael feels her presence, and turns to her immediately.

"Let's just get the hell out of here. We'll find some secluded area and, live like civilized adults where no one knows us."

"Michael..." Roxanne is confused.

"Baby. This place has me thinking there is more to life than being in the spotlight. There is more to life than concerts and award shows...And, I want to be part of that life. Only if you're in it with me."

She presses herself to him...

"You know I'll always be there by your side. Whether you want to be on that stage, or take off to some secluded area."

"Thanks baby."

***The Following Morning***

Michael zips up the last of the luggage. Roxanne grabs a few things. But, Michael, gets the big luggage and hurries down the staircase. Roxanne closely behind. They make their way into the living room. Earl, Tina and Pat are there, with a warm grin. They hug each other spreading their goodbyes. Then, Roxanne grips her brother, holding him extra tight. She feels her eyes stinging with warm tears.

"Get me a souvenir from one of those countries."

Roxanne giggles softly... "I will."

The couple walk towards the door.


She turns around to the sound of her dad's voice.

"Don't let it be another seven years."

"I won't daddy."

They hug one another again. Roxanne really doesn't want to leave, but, she knows she has too.

The family watches as they make their way to the limo that has pulled into their yard. Michael's driver comes out, helping him with the bags. Roxanne gives a final wave before sliding inside. Michael does the same....

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