Chapter 16

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***One Year Later***

The weather is cool and crisp. California is known for its warm weather. Sacramento and other northern counties are very much contraire. And, fall, is extremely beautiful in the State's capital. The golden, red, and yellow leaves brighten up the cloudless skies. That is one thing Roxanne can say she misses about being home. Fall was always her favorite time of the year. Now, she sees why she fell in love with it.

It's another Thanksgiving in the Richard's home. The family is happy to have Roxanne back and spending more time with them. She brings in the heavy turkey, to the where her other family are located. Her mother comes behind her with a few more dishes. The entire home is filled with the aroma of many delicious foods. And, Roxanne is proud to announce that she had a hand in the desserts this year. She sits beside her brother and his new fiancée, whom was proud to announce they are now expecting a baby!

After grace, they pass around the food, and get as much as they want. After dinner, the family enjoy quality time with one another in the living room. The football game plays in the background on the television, as they entertain one another. And, Roxanne is having a great time. She can't remember the last time she laughed so hard. This quality time has really made her realize what is really important in life.

Things then suddenly quite down. Pat and his fiancée Vanessa, finally leave for the night. Roxanne and her mother go into the kitchen to put away any leftovers and wash dishes. Tina has a growing smile on her face, that just won't go away.

"What?" Roxanne smiles a little to see her mother so happy.

"It feels good to have all of my children under the same roof for the Holidays again."


Roxanne loves to see her mother happy...She makes her way past her by the sink. She gets right to the dishes.

"How long will you be here?" Her mother asks.

"I'm leaving in the morning. I have to be in Los Angeles by the evening for the grand opening of my art gallery."

Since being away from Michael and her music, Roxanne decided to start on a passion she hasn't done since High School. Painting. She learned early in life, that she is actually quite good at it. And a little unknown fact that her mother recently told her was her father was once an artist before he died. For the past year, she's been into her painting, and now she has an art gallery, and even sells her artwork for a decent price. She's so proud of herself, just from the past year alone.

"I am so proud of you, Roxanne. You have a vision, and you go for it."

"I have you to thank for that."

"Please...I wish I was half as brave as you."

Her words shock her...She has always known her mother to be strong, and independent. She never let much get her down...She always thought her mother was stronger than her, and she still feels that way.

Tina places a few more dishes by the sink for her to wash...

"What happened to you and Michael? I notice you haven't talked about much him since you've been back."

Roxanne never told her parents the horrible details to her and Michael's breakup. She felt it was so gut wrenching. Besides, her parents really liked Michael. She would hate to spoil their minds with bad thoughts of him being a cheater. That, and, he still does care for him...

"It just didn't work out, ma. I broke up with him."

Tongue in cheek, her mother leaves it be. She continues putting the food away, as they both work in silence.

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