Chapter 3

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The guitar screeches to a loud, pitch; which causes a loud, unbearable noise...It's so loud, for a second, Michael actually believes his ears are bleeding. And, in pure oblivion, the young musician actually thinks he's playing well. Not to mention, his guitar is not adjusted right, due to his sound being off pitch. And, the amplifiers have a shortage, causing unnecessary static. And when he finally stops, Michael feels a headache coming on. He holds his temples, as looking under his shades, to hide his disappointment. Really, Michael can't crush this guy and humiliate him so straightforward. He forces a smile to the anxious young guy. "We'll call you." The guy laughs in excitement, as running out of the room...He has had it up to here with auditions. Frank has his head resting in his palms, so glad that torture for entertainment has finally ended.

"I'm ready to go home."

Michael slumps in his chair. In a week in a half, they'll be back on the road. And, he has no guitar player. He's a little depressed behind this. He clicks his pin anxiously. He doesn't know how he will get out of this...

"I'll put up the sign that we're gone. We can use the break."

Just as Frank gets out his seat, he hears the doors open. Another auditionee walks in. Though they can't see who is it right away, they make the announcement.

"We're closed for the day, come back tomorrow." Says Frank.

Michael looks up after taking a sip of water. His eyes widen at who stand before him...The girl from last night. Today, she wears ripped white shorts, with a white tank top. She has on the same smoky eye makeup, and white Timberlands...Her prized guitar is strapped over her shoulder.

"Auditions are now over. Come back tomorrow."

"Frank, it's okay. Let her go."

The both of them sit back, and, the girl starts to play...She graces the guitar with what looks like little to no effort. And she hits that note, yet again. It does something to Michael and, he finds himself clinching his fist. He bites his lip, and watching her melt into the moment...She sticks her tongue out, as playing this really long run and, Michael finds it kind of sexy.

"Wait, stop, stop."

The girl stops... "What?"

Michael smiles... "Play that solo part from "Beat It.""

The girl doesn't hesitate...She begins to play it...Michael closes his eyes in the moment. He imagines her playing that in a large crowd, in front of a sold out audience.

"How was that?"

The two are completely shocked. Michael can't help but to smile. He blushes so hard; he actually takes off his shades.

"That was you behind the building last night, wasn't it?"

The girl blurts out in the middle of them talking. And before Michael can respond, she pulls out a flyer for his audition from the back of her pocket.

"You dropped this from behind the building."

Michael knows he's been busted. "It must've fallen out my pocket while I was running." He thinks to himself.

"You're talented. And, I liked what I heard at the Blues Bar last night. Are you interested in traveling with us?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jackson. I refuse to be some ass kisser to some popstar who will take credit for my work. Have a great day."

"Miss, wait!"

The girl walks out of the auditioning room. "Damn!" Michael blurts out. He was so close...

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