The secretes that lay behind

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(Y/n) POV
Ugh where is everyone you asked your self looking around trying to find an answer.until you saw a young girl walking towards you she had Galaxy tail and ears somehow she reminded you of someone important to you.she started to speak " he..hello there miss hav..have you s..seen my mum.we were have tea then everything went black and white.oh um miss my names winter."
-wait as in winter the one who died -
"Um excuse me but are you okay?"she asked me so sweetly but I had to change the subject «hey winter let go and find your mum okay ?»
"Yay but first can you wear this since you are my only friend and so here [it a necklace with a fox charm]"
-the one I have at home and my mum said it was from a friend you meet when you were both five-
Thanks now let's get going your mum could be worried sick about you okay?

(Still your POV )
Once we got to winters house I saw what will break winters small heart but it was to late she saw what laid in front of use "MUM! NO WHY TODAY ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!"
* twig crunched outside*
Winter go and hide in the forest quick /transforms into a wolf/
"Lord stop no one lives there anymore" someone says in  terrified voice but some shuts him up saying "quiet I saw something go in there and I want you to bring it out okay"
(He walks in to see a wolf a black as midnight with icy blue eyes staring back into his cold black eyes)
He starts to speak "um gene can you help me with the pest please" he asked nicely while you sit there guarding your place." zenix .... That's a f**king sold not a pest learn what's what okay" he says quite sharply "no look it's a girl quick help me catch it <a tiny fox jumps in front of them saying no then looked at me saying run >
me and winter ran to a secret tunnel only winter knows but winter stopped running only to asked a question "are you okay ?" before I could say anything a black light blocked out everything
::::::::::back at school:::::::::::
I could hear my best friend ari telling everyone to back off. Then I was allowed to speak where's winter only came out of my mouth. One of the voices said "(y/n) clam down winters dead coz of a wolf kill her but that was two minutes ago and also you fainted after she died" the voice belonged to ari. Then it hit me the necklace it was no dream because the necklace was on you.

Hey guys author here sorry for not updating but please check out my wonderful friend pinkrose_66
Coz she is amazing bai~💛 word count was 480

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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