Chapter 1

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Oh my, the opera is simply magnificent! Mother and father are so lucky to have been able to be part of one back in their youth. This is the first time I have ever been to a show like this, and I must say I am more than impressed.

"Did you enjoy the play, Evelina?" Mother asks as we exit from the building.

She is as beautiful as my father, both with deep brown hair and dazzling brown eyes. It is no wonder that they fell in love so easily. Father says I look just like mother when she was younger, but I do not feel as beautiful as her.

"I loved it!" I exclaim, "What was it like when you were performing?"

My father is the one to answer. "Your mother was magnificent. She captivated the hearts of all Parisians with her performances."

"Raoul, my dear, those days are a distant memory." She says dreamily.

I look on at them in admiration. They are so lovely together. I wish that one day I will be able to find a love as pure as theirs...

Suddenly a little boy comes from one of the alley and approaches us.

"Excuse me, miss," He says to me, "A gentleman asked this to be delivered to you."

"What do you have there? Is this for me?" I ask, taking the letter from him.

He tips his hat with a smile and hurries off back in the direction he came. Mother and Father both come closer, wondering rightfully what the letter might contain. It is not every day that a young boy brings a letter from out of the blue.

"What is it, Evelina?" Father asks as I open it.

My eyes scan the page and my eyebrows knot together in confusion. It appears to be an invitation of sorts. But it is only for me...

"Who is it from dear?" Mother asks, pocking her head in closer.

"It looks like an invitation," I tell them both, "But I'm not sure who it's from..."

They both seem confused after reading it, and I read it to myself over and over again on the carriage ride home. Who would send me something like this?

It reads,

My love,

The stage has been set once more. I bid thee to return to my opera house and reprise the role meant for you in one final performance!

A few days pass and the letter remains on my mind. It came with a ticket with an address on it, but mother and father do not know where it leads. I have decided to search it out on my own, as it has specified for me to come.

And besides, exploring an opera house sounds to be fun. After the last show I saw I am eager to see more of what the opera has to offer. Although the part about me playing a role has me a little on edge. Mother seems to sense it too.

"You do not have to go if you are afraid, Evelina." She tells me.

"No," I say firmly, "The letter asked me to come, and it would be ruse to decline. Besides, I must find out who the sender is."

"Alright my dead, but be safe." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

The carriage driver takes me to the location on the ticket, but when we arrive a few hours later I find that the opera house that I was expecting, is nothing more than an old broken down building. The driver seems nervous about staying, and says he will meet me in a few hours on the other side of town.

I thank him and he hurries off, not wanting to stay a moment longer.

But now that I am alone, I am unsure what to do. It does not look safe to enter the building, but the letter specified that I was to come here. Is it possible that it was a mistake? That the letter was not meant for me and that it was meant to be sent years ago? That would explain why mother and father do not know of this place. It has been destroyed for ages!

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