Chapter 1-The Flight

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"You have two options Cara." Hank's voice booms," you can go to Ireland and work there for the challenge or to Germany for the same reason . The choice is yours sweetheart. Choose fast."
With that Hank walks away without Cara even having the chance to answer.
"Yes boss." Cara replied under her breath.
She wanders over back to her desk and stares at her easel and paint sets. She sits down on her comfy chair and reads the letter Hank,her boss, had left her. It reads,
'"Dear Cara,
You are an amazing artist and we have given you the opportunity to go to one of the following countries for a challenge that will be given to you on November 8,"
"Shit I have like 3 days to decide what country and get my clothes packed."Cara mutters and keeps reading on.
" the available countries are:
Germany- paint and sell 100 paintings in 3 months
Ireland- paint and sell 200 paintings in 2 months
The choice is yours. Everything will be provided. Apartment, food, furniture, and $500 to get food you need later on. Rent will be paid by us. Let me know by the end of the day November 5th.
Thank you,
Hank(your boss)"

Cara sits and ponders at her desk for a minute.
"Ireland or Germany? Germany is easier but I don't half-ass things. I'll go with Ireland." She decides and walks to Hanks office.
-----------time skip-------
Cara places the papers on Hank's desk and looks at him.
"Ireland," She says flatly.
" Alright,you only have 2 months for 200 paintings. Are you sure you want the harder one?" Hank says with disbelief in his eyes.
"Yup. You said challenge, so I'm doing challenge." Cara states bravely. Her hazel/gray eyes piercing with willingness.
"Alright pack your bags your flight leaves in 2 days."
"Ok boss." Cara replied spinning on her heels and out the door.
        She takes the taxi home and packs her bag to take with her and the boxes of more clothes since she will be staying there for a couple of months.
    --------time skip cause I'm lazy------
     Its finally November 8th, time to go to Ireland. She drives to the airport in Huston, Texas (A/N I don't think I made that quite clear but Cara lives in Huston, Texas). She sees Hank and greets him.
      "Ok here is your address, keys are hidden in the dirt of a potted plant outside the door. Don't lose it. Your house a two story duplex  (A/N not sure what kind of house Jack even has but this is what it is in my story.) kind  of thing so you have a close neighbor, no idea who it is. Never met them. Don't want to cause I don't care. But anyway don't get too attached to anybody because you might fail at this but let's hope not." Hank explains quickly, " Oh and all of your boxes are being shipped over now, also if you succeed you can live where ever you want, keep the money from the paintings, and we pay for a year of your rent for the house. But if you fail you come back, and keep just the money from the paintings.Got it?"
     " Yes." Cara adds.
     "Good, now go catch that damned plane." Hank says handing Cara the envelope containing the address papers and stuff.
      -------time skip to on plane-------
   It's a quite ride to Ireland. No babies are in the plane so that's good. There is an sort of middle age looking man sitting next to Cara. She has the window seat and doesn't have to sorry about being crammed. The flight takes about 6 hours. The turbulence sucks once we get to land. Cara could feel her ears pop. The plane pulled up to the loading dock. She walked down the stairs and into the baggage claim.
    "Ah. There it is." Cara mutters grabbing her suitcase from the conveyor belt.
      She weaves through the people and to the main entrance where she calls a taxi. The taxi pulls up and she hops in the backseat
     " where too." The taxi man asks.
     "(Put any address in here),Athlone, please."Cara says unlocking her phone to text Hank that she landed.
       The taxi man drops her off in front of this little white two story house with red doors(photo above).
     "Cozy." Cara whispers searching the plant for the key.
       She shakes the key of dirt I and unlocks the door only to be bombarded by boxes of more clothes. Cara moves the boxes out of the way and sets her book bag on the small kitchen table.
     "Well might as well get comfortable for the next two months." She exhales  laying on the soft couch in front of the tv and fireplace.
     After laying down and gets used to the small home she walks up the carpeted stairs to the upstairs. There is a narrow hall way. The first room is the bathroom, second in the art room, the third is her bedroom, and the third and half is the walk in closet.
      Cara gets settled in and by the time she is done it is 8:00 p.m. She is relaxing on the couch watching Jacksepticeye.
      "It's been awhile since I've watched YouTube due to work."Cara thinks.
       Because Cara is a working artist she doesn't get to watch YouTube as often. In total she has only seen 30 videos in the past two years from several different people.
      It was silent in her  half of the house for about an hour. The silence broke by the sound of a huge crash. Cara jumped of the couch being scared by the sudden noise.
    "Godammit." The voice from the other half murmured.
      Cara shuffled out the front door and to the door next to hers. She knocks on the door a few times before someone answered. When the door finally opens she asks without looking up,"is everything ok? I heard a huge crash."
      After Cara said "crash" she looked up and right into the ocean blue eyes of someone she never thought in a million years she would meet.

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