Chapter 6-Packing up

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       Empty boxes were stacked up for Jack and I to pack full of stuff. We started with my room.
Jack packed up my closet. All of my shirts and jackets. I did my dresser. I didn't bother to fold them because I didn't want to. Jack had gotten all of my hang ups out and in boxes. We had them stacked in the hallway. There was a medium box on the shelf in the closet full of memories over the years. I haven't opened it in 3 years, so I have no clue what's in there. The only reason I brought it is cause the box said memories. Jack pulled it out of the closet and set it on my bed.
      "What's this?" He asks.
    "Just a bunch of old photos and memories. I'm sure there is baby pictures in it but I haven't opened it since I was like 22." I'm 24 now so.
    "Let's look at them." Jack says tearing off the tape.
      "Ok. Remember I have no freaking idea what is in here so." I warn mostly myself.
    We sit on my bed and grab the first book in the box. I open it and set it on my lap. The first picture is a photo of me and Greg when our relationship was strong and not abusive. I flip a couple of pages and it's all photos of us before he was an alcoholic.
        "We're just gonna skip this one." I say tossing it to the side.
     "Who was that?"
   I respond scared and shaky,"th-that's my ex Greg."
    "What's wrong your shaking really bad." Jack asks worried.
    "Uh Greg, he was abusive, and those photos were from way before then." I tear up.
   "Oh. We can look at a different one if you want." Jack says grabbing another out of the box.
    The next book were childhood photos. They were from when I was born to when I was 10 I think.
     "Aww. Look how cute you were as a baby!" Jack chuckles.
    I laugh. My cheeks turning bright red. The photo was of the day I was born. My dad was rocking me and he had tears of joy down his face.
     We flipped through the book and there were several photos of me as a child. There is always that one embarrassing photo where your a naked 10 month old. Everyone has those kind of pictures somewhere. I was hoping that Jack wouldn't see it....he did. He started laughing. To be honest so was I.
       We looked through all the books and stuff and then started packing again. The only thing that really need to be packed was my room anyway. The rest of the stuff was packed and we went downstairs. I followed Jack into the kitchen.
      "Do you want anything for lunch?" Jack asked.
    "Ok I'm gonna make grilled cheese."
   "Sounds great."
  I sit on the stool by the counter across from Jack and watch him.
    "So who exactly is Greg beside an abusive ex?" Jack asks suddenly.
    " well depends how much do you wanna know?" I reply.
    "As much as you'll tell me." Jack says flipping the grilled cheese and setting it on a plate.
     "Well it's a super long story if you want lots of detail."
      "I'll listen." He says sitting next to me.
   "Ok well pretty much I met him 3 years ago at a cafe in la  and we talked and then we started dating. We were pretty much a good couple until his friend was sent to jail, and he started drinking trying to figure out how to get him out. Greg was not a very smart person. Well he got addicted to it and kept doing it. Pretty soon that brought out his dark side. One day I didn't do what he wanted and he hit me. He kept doing that and it progressively got worse through the years. He would throw me, kick me, scream at me. I tried everything I could to escape. It took me 3 years and  a lot of trust in my neighbors to escape. During this "relationship" he had many affairs with other women. I didn't even love him at this point so I didn't care. The thing that made escaping harder is that he was a cop. But anyway I came home late one night so he thought that I was having an affair which really I was caught up at work."
       I had stopped to eat a little more and kept talking
     " I walked through the door at our house and he immediately started to yell at me. He pretty much beat me unconscious. When I woke up that time. He had me pinned to the floor. I was struggling free as he yelled at me again. That night I ran free that night I made my escape to Texas. Greg had done the one thing I have feared that he was gonna do when this whole thing started. He raped me. He had a knife in his hand and every time I made a noise he added two cuts on my thighs. When I had gotten the strength to get up, kick him in the gut, grabbed the knife, and stabbed him. I didn't stab where I would kill him, just where it would hurt enough for him to not get me. I ran to my neighbor and she helped me escape. I had talked to the cops and we was put in jail, but he gets out in about 6 months." I finish my story.
       "Wow. That is really a rough thing to have to go through." He says grabbing out plates and tossing them into the sink.
     He walks behind me and wraps him arms around my waist and kisses the side of my neck from behind.
      "You don't have to worry about that ass anymore anyway." Jack says.
       Jack lifts me up bridal style and carries me to my bed. He drops me on his bed and takes off his shirt. He jumps into the bed next to me. He kisses me on the lips. He wraps his one free arm across my waist and pulls me close. Jack throws the blanket over us and buries  his head into the back of my neck.
       "Goodnight Cara."
   "Night Jack."
      Wow. Am I really gonna miss this sweet goofball of a man. My flight back leaves tomorrow and I don't want to go.
       I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard Jack whisper.
     "I love you."
   " I love you too Jack." I say and drift off to sleep

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