Chapter 11

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It's around 6:30 and the boys still haven't showed up. Maddison try's calling them but no answer from either of them.
"Maybe they forgot and their phones are dead." Suggested Tyler
"Or maybe they got lost in the woods or kidnapped!" Suggested maddi
"You are so dramatic." Says Tyler
"I know." Replies Maddison
Tyler texts Alex and asks him where he is.
"Where are you?"
"I'm at a party"
"You were supposed to come over."
"Oh I forgot."
"Yeah I kinda noticed.."
"Sure you are."
Then Tyler's phone begins to ring.
"Hey I really am sorry."
"Oh I bet you are."
Then in the back ground you could hear Ashley saying "Alex. Who are you talking to?"
Tyler's heart sinks as soon as she hears Ashley's voice.
"Y-Your with Ashley?"
"I can explain tyler."
"And to think I thought we had a thing."
"Tyler I do care about you I swear. Just let me explain."
"I'm sure she will explain it for you."
Tyler clicks the phone and hangs up. She goes to her room and starts and cry. She starts to yell "HE DOENST DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!"
Tyler starts to think about her sister. Her sister Vanessa committed suicide when she was 14. Tyler thinks about being with her sister, she gets the idea about hurting herself. Tyler gets up and goes to the bathroom and shuts the door and locks it. She runs water in the tub and takes off her shirt and pants and is standing in her underwear and bra looking in the mirror. She grabs a razor blade and gets into the tub. She thinks about Alex she holds the blade with a tight grip and places it on the wrist and gives it a hard slice and blood gushes out of the cut. She does this several times on both wrist and on her legs. She passes out from so much blood loss. Maddison hears the water running and notices it's over flowing from the tub. "Tyler turn off the water." There's no answer "ty you ok in there?" Still no answer Maddison begins to get worried she bangs in the door and starts yelling and crying "TYLER OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Maddison runs to the kitchen and grabs a hammer and goes to the bathroom door and hits it the door begins to break and she reaches her arm through the hole the hammer has created and she opens the door and sees Tyler soaking in her blood unconscious. "TYLER WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP!!" She text Alex and tells him what happened and immediately Alex and Dillon show up and get Tyler and take her to the hospital.

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