Chapter 7

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I finally finished when there was a knock at the door I go over to open it and see everyone including Joeys parents I put my finger to my lips and everyone walks in "Emilia are you ready" Joey says walking out with her eyes covered

"Daddy your silly" I can't help but smile

"Ready 3,2,1.." he uncovers them "happy birthday my baby girl"

"Happy birthday" we all say in unison she has a huge smile on her face

"Is this for me" we nod Monica puts down the chocolate cake

"Happy Birthday Milly" Milly gives her a hug Monica smiles expecting her hug.

The party was in fall swing Monica came over to me as I was sitting on the couch watching the scene before me"I can't believe she is three" I looked over to see Chandler teaching her how to Yoyo there was another knock Joey answers it

"What are you doing here?" Joey asks holding the door protectively The room was quite and there stood my parents I'm frozen in shock

"We are here to see our granddaughter on her third birthday" my father answered "Now if you mind"

"You will not speak to my son that way" Joey's father Joe says standing next to him

"Mon can you take Milly into your apartment" she puts a hand on my shoulder

"Sure" her and Rachel and the others go to leave but my father steps in

"No your not leaving until I see my granddaughter" Emilia cries in Chandlers arms

"Stop, don't scare our daughter" he moved away from the door letting the others through with Milly he does hate when she cries

"Oh so you actually will speak.." he laughs "your stupid Rose..just like the day he knocked you up..."

"Don't speak to her like that..I love Rose..and I always have since we were kids"

"Prove it Joseph" Joey gets down on one knee

"I know we only said we would try again yesterday but I want you to marry me"

"That's all I wanted was you to Marry her look you long enough" my father says

I only plan on doing short chapters what do you think about what just happened what do you think people will say I know it sounds crazy but it will all pan out

The one where Joey has a daughter Where stories live. Discover now