Chapter 10

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I was tired and couldn't wait for Chandler and Joe to go bed I stood up "night boys" Joey looked up confused "Mi dispiace che non posso aspettarti due, mancherò le braccia intorno a me" ( I'm sorry I can not wait for you two, I'll miss your arms around me) I say in Italian knowing that Chandler doesn't know the language when me and Joey use to date we would speak it when we wanted know get down.

"Ok Rose ma mi mancherà" (ok Rose I'll miss you too) once I shut the bedroom door I hear Chandler.

"Dude that was.."

"I know" I could hear a smile in his voice.

"So what's going on between you two".

"I love her Chandler I want her and only her" my eyes go wide.

It was late I only knew this because the tv was off and it was still dark I slowly open the bedroom door and walk out into the living room I can see that Joey is asleep on the couch I need to tell him I love him too I slowly walk over to him "Joey,Joe" no use so I kiss him he soon responded opening his eyes.

"Rose " I smile and kiss him again.

"I love you too" I climb onto the sofa then I realise it's his his lap I feel him respond I go to move but he stops me .

"That was a nice way to wake me up" he smiles then kisses me things get pretty heated but instead of stopping I don't know what suddenly got into me I remove my pj top "Rose what are you doing?..what about what you said earlier" his eyes go wide .

"I can go back on what I said" I say while kissing him I say something in Italian.

"Oh really" and the rest was history.

I wake up in Joeys arms then I realised where I was "Joey" then I hear a little voice crap he opens his eyes.

"why is there clothes on the floor?" She asks My eyes go wide and I look to Joey for help.

"The laundry Fairy doesn't like us" then another door opens crap it was Chandler he gave us I know what you did look.

"Hey Milly how about you show me your dolls" he says and she was so happy so followed him.

I quickly get dressed but Joey wasn't moving "hurry".

"Rose do you regret last night?" I shake my head.

"No now get dressed" I turn back to Joey as he goes to grab his pjs and notice something "crap"

"What's up?"

"We erm didn't use a condom" he shrugs

"So your on the pill right" he looks at me while waiting for a response "right"I shake my head.


"It's not my fault"

"It wasn't mine You seduce me"

" You stopped me from leaving. You could have pulled out" I huff

"I got carried away".

Chandler and Milly walked so the conversation stopped thank god, the rest of the morning nothing was said even though Joey tried to talk.

We were now in central perk drinking coffee I dropped Milly off at school "you could cut this tension with a knife" Monica says.

"Tell me about it mon they've been like this all morning"

"What happened" I give Joey a look

"He didn' know" the group looked to Joey

"What? She seduced me I got carried away"

"You wouldn't let me leave"

"You woke me up Rose, you made the first move"

"Only to say I loved you" the group looks at us both.

The one where Joey has a daughter Where stories live. Discover now