Chapter 9

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Thank goodness the party was over Milly was in bed Chandler was with Ross it was just me and Joey watching tv "so"

"So" I repeat.

"So our little girl is 3, do you remember the night we made her".

"What are you getting at Joe".

"Well erm do you want to..have.." I can't help but laugh and kiss him.

"How about no not tonight and how would we anyway Chandler could walk in at any time".

"True" he turns to me after thinking "maybe I should take you on a date first" my eyes go wide "will you go".

"Yeah I will go".

5 minutes later Chandler and Ross walk through the door "see what I mean".

"Rose the girls want your opinion on something" Ross says sounding annoyed

I walk over to Monica's Apartment the door was wide open "hey what's up" I take a seat after closing the door.

"So is it still a break if you have sex" I can't help but laugh.

"Really your asking me this question I hooked up with Joey more than I should have when we were not together.

"Not helping" Rachel groans.

"What does Ross call it sex or making love, if it's sex then your still on a break if it's making love then your not.

"But then again this is Ross your talking about here Rose " Rachel adds .

"What does Joey call it?".

"Well I can't remember he always just stepped around the subject like he did earlier or it just happens" the girls eyes go wide "nothing happened he did ask me on a date though" their eyes go wide again.

"Really?" They say in unison, I nod.

"Where was your first date Rose?" Monica asks

"It's was mini golf and pizza" I laugh "I was 16 can I tell you guys something" they nod "I've never slept with anyone other than Joey" they all aww.

"That's really cute does he know" I shake my head.

"So Joey was your first huh so you've never even looked at another mans".

"I've come close a few times but since Milly was born I'm scared to let myself fall in love because it's not only my feelings but my daughters "

"Aww Rosie that's adorable", Phoebe comments.

"Why not you don't know what your missing" Rachel adds.

"I don't think I'm missing much honestly"

"Elaborate please ?" Monica asks should I really be discussing this I've only been forming a friendship with them for a week I just shrug and smile.

"So they weren't kidding when they say he's good in bed it's come straight from the horses mouth.

"I never said anything".

So I hope you like it would you like to see bigger chapters or to keep it like this I'm so sorry for the long wait I kind of have left this on the to do pile

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